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ANS Pharmacology - Basic concepts

DRUGS ACTING ON AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM             Nervous system is the one which receives information with regard to the changes in the environment (external and internal) of the body and in response regulates appropriate function. It coordinates activities that require rapid control. The mammalian nervous system is divided into subsections, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system..     Organization of Nervous system 1.       Central nervous system: A.      Brain B.      Spinal cord C.        2.       Peripheral Nervous system: A.      Efferent (Motor) i)                     Somatic – Skeletal muscle ii)                   Autonomic – Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle & exocrine gland. B.      Afferent (Sensory) i)                     Somatic ii)                   Visceral The central nervous system is divided into brain and spinal cord. A series of protective