Pharmacokinetics - Drug elimination
concentration of a drug in the plasma or at its receptor sites may be reduced
in three basic ways:
1. distribution
or redistribution into various compartments,
2. metabolic
inactivation and
3. excretion
from the body via one of the several possible routes.
Routes of elimination -
Drugs are excreted mainly by the kidneys into the urine and the liver into the
bile and subsequently into the feces. Alveolar elimination is of major
significance when inhalant anaesthetics are used. The main factors governing
elimination by this route are concentration in plasma and alveolar air and the
blood/gas partition coefficient. Other less common routes of elimination
include saliva, milk, and sweat. The salivary route of excretion is important
in ruminants because they secrete such voluminous amounts of alkaline saliva.
Some drugs excreted
unchanged but the vast majority of the drugs undergo biotransformation to more
water-soluble metabolites which can be excreted via the kidneys. This is the
commonest route of drug excretion. The liver may also involved when drugs are
excreted into the bile (e.g., ampicillin) and some volatile drugs can be
excreted via the lungs. Saliva often contains low concentrations of drugs and,
in a sense, this may also be regarded as a mechanism of excretion, except the
saliva is to be swallowed and does not contribute significantly to drug
clearance. Secretion of drugs into milk may also be of importance in animal
elimination or excretion is greatly affected by dehydration, kidney, liver or
heart disease, age and a variety of other physiological and pathological
conditions. Failure to compensate for altered drug elimination is a common
cause of inadvertent drug toxicity.
Renal elimination of drugs -
In the kidneys, circulating drugs are cleared from the blood through filtration
and active secretion. The degree of renal perfusion influences the amount of
drug entering the glomerular filtrate. Reduced renal blood flow decreases
filtration of drugs in the glomerulus, resulting in decreased elimination. This
is the reason for reduced dosage of the drug in older animals with reduced
renal function and in animals with hypotension. Increased glomerular filtration
results in more rapid removal of drug molecules from the systemic circulation.
Some drugs are actively secreted into the renal tubules. Secretion of drug
molecules into the proximal convoluted tubule requires significant energy.
Anything that interferes with cellular energy production reduces the excretion
of these drugs from the body. From the proximal convoluted tubule the drug
moves to the loop of Henle, where some drugs are reabsorbed from the filtrate
into circulation. This occurs by passive diffusion. Drug molecules that are
nonionized are reabsorbed while those that are ionized are excreted. But the
degree of ionization depends on the pH of urine and alterations in urinary pH
can alter the elimination
Hepatic elimination of drugs -
Hepatically eliminated drugs usually move by passive diffusion from the blood
into the hepatocyte at which point they are secreted into the bile or
metabolised first and then secreted into the bile. The bile then conveys this
to the duodenum. In acute liver diseases and in chronic degenerative processes
like cirrhosis the ability to metabolise and/or eliminate drugs is reduced.
Therefore the dose of the eliminated by liver must be reduced in liver
disorders in order to prevent drug accumulation in toxic concentrations.
Choleretics or a high fat intake promote bile flow and therefore, biliary
excretion and enhance the hepatic secretion of drugs. Broad spectrum
antibacterial agents are expected to diminish the hydrolytic action of
intestinal flora and thus, may prevent effective enterohepatic cycles.
Excretion of drugs in milk -
This route of excretion has both therapeutic and public health importance. The
principles of excretion through the mammary gland are similar to those acting
in the kidneys, namely the diffusion of unionised lipid soluble forms of the
drugs diffusing through the epithelial cells of the mammary gland. The pH of
plasma and milk are important factors. Since milk is usually more acidic than
plasma the basic compounds may be slightly more concentrated and acidic
compounds are less concentrated in milk than plasma. Excretion of drugs is
altered in cases of mastitis due to changes in the pH of milk.
Prolonging drug action
of a drug may be prolonged to
1. Reduce the frequency of administration
2. Avoid large fluctuations in plasma
3. Maintain drug effect overnight without
disturbing sleep.
can be achieved by
Delaying absorption - It is desirable to delay absorption,
either to reduce the systemic actions of drugs that are being used to produce a
local effect or to prolong systemic action. Addition of epinephrine or
norepinephrine to local anaesthetic delays absorption due to vasoconstriction.
This prolongs the anaesthetic effect and in addition reduces systemic toxicity.
From the subcutaneous or intramuscular administration sites, absorption can be
delayed by using a relatively insoluble 'slow-release' form. A poorly soluble
salt, ester or complex - injected either
as an aqueous solution or an oily solution will have delayed absorption.
Procaine penicillin is a poorly soluble salt of penicillin which when injected
is slowly absorbed. Esterification of steroid hormone delays absorption.
Physical characteristics of a preparation may also be changes so as to
influence the rate of absorption. Examples include insulin zinc suspension.
Another method of achieving slow and continuous absorption is by using subcutaneous
implants. The rate of absorption is proportional to the surface area of the
implant. Sustained release tablets, spansules etc. wherein the drug particles
are coated with resins, plastic material or other substances that temporarily
disperse the release of the active ingredient in the gastrointestinal tract.
Transdermal delivery system in which the drug is impregnated in adhesive
patches releases the drug slowly over a prolonged period of time.
By increasing the plasma protein binding -
Congeners have been prepared which are highly bound to plasma protein and are
slowly released in the free active form to have a prolonged duration of action
like sulphamehtoxypyridaiazine.
By reducing the rate of metabolism - Small chemical
modifications may markedly affect the rate of metabolism without affecting the
biological action. Inhibition of specific enzymes by one drug can prolong the
action of the other drug. For example physostigmine prolongs the action of
acetylcholine by preventing its metabolism.
By reducing renal excretion -Tubular secretion of drug
being an active process, it can be suppressed by a competing substance. Example
- Probenicid prolongs the duration of action of penicillin and ampicillin.
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