Drug Distribution

After absorption into the bloodstream, drugs become disseminated to all parts of the body. Compounds that permeate freely through cell membranes become distributed, in time, throughout the body water, both extracellular and intracellular. Substances that pass readily through and between capillary endothelial cells, but do not penetrate other cell membranes, are distributed into the extracellular fluid space. Occasionally, the drug molecule may be so large (>65,000 daltons) or so highly bound to plasma proteins that it remains in the intravascular space after IV administration. Drugs may also undergo redistribution in the body after initial high levels are achieved in tissues that have a rich vascular supply, e.g., the brain. As the plasma concentration falls, the drug readily diffuses back into the circulation to be quickly redistributed to other tissues with high blood-flow rates, such as the muscles; then, over time, the drug also becomes deposited in lipid-rich tissues with poor blood supplies, such as the fat depots. Most drugs are not distributed equally throughout the body but tend to accumulate in certain specific tissues or fluids. The general principles that govern the passage and distribution of drugs across cellular membranes (see above) are applicable. Basic drugs tend to accumulate in tissues and fluids with pH values lower than the pKa of the drug; conversely, acidic drugs concentrate in regions of higher pH, provided that the free drug is sufficiently lipid soluble to be able to penetrate the membranes that separate the compartments. Even small differences in pH across boundary membranes, such as those that exist between CSF (pH 7.3) and plasma (pH 7.4), milk (pH 6.5-6.8) and plasma, renal tubular fluid (pH 5.0-8.0) and plasma, and inflamed tissue (pH 6.0-7.0) and healthy tissue (pH 7.0-7.4), can lead to unequal distribution of drugs with pKa values close to those of the pH of the fluid. Only freely diffusible and unbound drug molecules are able to pass from one compartment to another. Binding to macromolecules such as protein components of cells or fluids, dissolution in adipose tissue, formation of nondiffusible complexes in tissues such as bone, incorporation into specific storage granules, or binding to selective sites in tissues all impede movement of drugs in the body and account for differences in the cellular and organ distribution of particular drugs. Therapeutic agents may also be transported by carrier-mediated systems across certain cellular membranes, which leads to higher concentrations on one side than the other. Examples of such nonspecific transport mechanisms are found in renal tubular epithelial cells, hepatocytes, and the choroid plexus.
Only the unbound or free fraction of a drug can diffuse out of capillaries into tissues. The most important binding of drugs in circulation is to plasma albumin, although the globulins and, especially, α-1 acid glycoprotein (for bases) may also play a significant role. A drug may become bound to plasma proteins to a greater or lesser degree, depending on a number of factors, eg, plasma pH, concentration of plasma proteins, concentration of the drug, the presence of another agent with a greater affinity for the limited number of binding sites, and the presence of acute-phase proteins during active inflammatory conditions. The degree of plasma-protein binding and the affinity of a drug for the nonspecific protein-binding sites is of great clinical significance in some instances and much less so in others. For example, a potentially toxic compound (such as dicumarol) may be 98% bound, but if for any reason it becomes only 96% bound, then the concentration of the free active drug that becomes available in the plasma is doubled, with potentially harmful consequences. The concentration of a drug administered in overdose may exceed the binding capacity of the plasma protein and lead to an excess of free drug, which can diffuse into various target tissues and produce exaggerated effects. Of equal importance is the readiness with which drugs dissociate from plasma proteins. Those that are more tightly bound tend to have much longer elimination half-lives because they are released gradually from the plasma protein reservoir. The long-acting sulfonamides are good examples of this phenomenon. Most unbound drugs distribute easily to extracellular fluid. All membranes are transversed only by the more lipid-soluble drugs. During distribution and elimination from the body, a drug may or may not penetrate certain “physiologic” (eg, blood-brain, placental, and mammary) barriers. A drug may gain access to the CNS by 2 distinct routes—the capillary circulation and the CSF. Drugs penetrate into the cortex more rapidly than into white matter, probably because of the greater delivery rate of drug via the bloodstream to the tissue. The pharmacologic factors and consequences of the diverse rates of entry of different drugs into the CNS include the following: 1) water-soluble ionized drugs will not enter the CNS; 2) low ionization, low plasma-protein binding, and a fairly high lipid-water partition coefficient confer ready penetration; 3) direct injections into the CSF often produce unexpected effects; and 4) meningoencephalitis can substantially alter the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
The placental barrier should be considered when selecting an agent to treat a pregnant animal. The potential teratogenicity of any drug needs to be known before its administration; if it is to be used during late gestation, its effects on the fetus and on the process of parturition should be considered. Nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, minerals, and even some vitamins, are actively transported across the placenta. The passage of drugs across the placenta is largely by lipid diffusion, and the factors discussed above play a role. The distribution of drugs within the fetus follows essentially the same pattern as in the adult, with some differences with respect to the volumes of drug distribution, plasma-protein binding, blood circulation, and greater permeability of interceding membranous barriers.
The mammary gland epithelium, like other biologic membranes, acts as a lipid barrier, and many drugs readily diffuse from the plasma into milk. The pH of milk varies somewhat, but in goats and cows it is generally 6.5-6.8 if mastitis is not present. Weak bases tend to accumulate in milk because the fraction of ionized, nondiffusible drug is higher. The opposite is true for acidic drugs. Agents delivered by intramammary infusion can diffuse into plasma to a greater or lesser degree by the same processes noted earlier.

Pharmacokinetics - Distribution of drugs

Once drugs have entered the circulation their distribution to other parts of the body is dependent on number of factors. The equilibria involved are outlined below.

Bound Drug

Free Drug


Non Ionized
Plasma bound



Non Ionized
Tissue bound


    Non Ionized
Site of Action


 Non Ionized

                            Mucosa                     Endothelium                  Cell wall

In practice drug distribution is a dynamic process and equilibria are often not attained. The rate at which a drug is distributed and reaches its site of action is also dependent on  number of factors. The pattern of distribution of drugs varies enormously, but can often be predicted on the basis of certain physicochemical characteristics. It is also important to realize that concentration of a drug in a particular tissue does not necessarily correlate with its action.

Apparent volume of distribution - In many cases, drugs are absorbed into the circulation and then distributed to their site(s) of action. Plasma levels of drugs can usually be measured relatively easily. However, these may be very different from the levels elsewhere in the body. Apparent volume of distribution is the volume of the fluid into which the drug appears to distribute with a concentration equal to that in plasma. It is also defined as the volume of fluid that would be necessary to contain the amount of drug in the body at a uniform concentration equal to that in the plasma.
      Amount of drug in the body
Vd  = ---------------------------------------------------  expressed as L/Kg
Concentration of drug in the plasma

Since Vd is often characteristic of a drug and constant over a wide range, it is useful in calculating the amount of drug in the body when the plasma concentration is known, or in predicting the concentration in plasma following a given dose. Large volume of distribution means good tissue perfusion and small volume of distribution means poor tissue penetration.

Dose = Vd x Plasma concentration

Unless the drug is administered intravenously, its bioavailability from the particular dosage form and route must also be taken into account. The Vd does not correspond to a physiological volume in an animal but is simply an imaginary but nonetheless useful volume. The factors governing volume of drug distribution include lipid : water partition coefficient of the drug, pKa value of the drug, degree of plasma protein binding, affinity for different tissues, fat : lean body mass ratio and diseases like congestive heart failure, uremia and cirrhosis.

Factors affecting drug distribution include 1. Blood flow, 2. Plasma protein binding, 3. Lipid solubility, 4. pH, 5. Capillary permeability, 6. Drug dilution in body water, 7. Accumulation at other sites.
Blood flow - The rate at which a drug reaches different organs and tissues will depend on the blood flow to those regions. Equilibration is rapidly achieved with heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and brain where blood flow is high, while skin, bone and depot fat equilibrate much more slowly.
Plasma protein binding - Drugs tend to become associated with several blood constituents. Binding to plasma proteins or to components in RBC facilitates absorption into the blood stream by lowering the concentration of free drug in the plasma. It is only the unbound or free fraction of a drug that can diffuse out of capillaries into tissues. Many drugs are bound to plasma proteins. Most drugs bind to albumin although certain drugs bind to other plasma proteins like globulins. Factors affecting plasma protein binding include a. Drug concentration, b. Number of drug binding sites on the protein, c. Protein concentration, d. Lipid solubility - there is a good correlation between this and the binding of penicillins and tetracyclines, e.Weak acids like penicillins are bound more extensively than weak bases, f. Competing molecules, g. Species variation, h. Disease
Albumin and other plasma proteins are essentially contained within blood vessels and so the distribution of drugs that are bound is restricted. When more than 70 - 80 % of the drug is bound to plasma protein, it acts as a circulating reservoir for the drug.
When two or more drugs bind to the same site of the plasma proteins, administration of a second drug may significantly affect the binding of the first drug. Changes in binding have the greatest effect on the proportion of free drug when the percent bound is high. Reducing the binding from 98% to 96% will double the amount of free drug from 2% to 4% and thus the halflife of the drug would be reduced much. At its therapeutic concentration warfarin is 97.4% bound. If a therapeutic dose of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug phenylbutazone is administered, bound warfarin decreases to 92%. Thus free warfarin increases from 2.6 to 8%. This increases the anticoagulant effect of warfarin considerably. It also reduces its halflife from 18.4 to 9.6 hours since it is also more available for biotransformation and excretion.

The drug protein binding reaction is reversible and obeys the laws of mass action.

Drug (Free)  + Protein                               Drug-Portein (Bound)

Acidic drugs are bound primarily by albumin and basic drugs are bound by α1 – acid glycoprotein.
Binding doesnot prevent a drug from reaching the site of action but it slows the rate at which a drug reaches a concentration sufficient to produce a pharmacologic effect.
Drug – protein binding limits glomerular filtration as an elimination process, because bound drugs cannot be filtered. Binding does not typically limit the elimination of drugs that are actively secreted by the kidneys. Or metabolized by the liver, because the fraction of the drug that is free is transported & metabolized. As the free drug concentration is lowered, there is rapid dissociation of the drug-protein complex to maintain the concentration of the drug in the free form.
Lipid solubility - Lipid solubility will affect the ability of the drug to bind to plasma proteins and to cross the lipid membrane barriers. Very high lipid solubility can result in a drug initially partitioning preferentially into highly vascular lipid-rich areas. Subsequently these drugs slowly redistribute into body fat where they remain for long periods of time.
pH - Small differences in pH have significant effects and acidic drugs will tend to accumulate where the pH is higher, while bases do the reverse. The rate of movement of a drug out of the circulation will depend on its degree of ionization and therefore on its pKa, Changes in pH occurring in disease may also affect drug distribution. Blood becomes more acidic if respiration is inadequate. In cases of mastitis, the pH of milk may increase as much as 0.7 units affecting drug distribution.
Capillary permeability - The ability of drugs to reach the various tissues depends on the permeability of the capillaries at the site in question. Thus the capillaries in liver are extremely permeable, while those at the blood-brain barrier are normally impermeable. Drugs can pass through the epithelial cells or between them through the gap junctions. Thus molecular size is the major factor affecting the permeability of water soluble drugs across capillaries.
Passage of drugs into the CNS - Drugs enter into the CNS by two routes namely capillary circulation and through the cerebrospinal fluid. Capillaries in the brain are different from the capillaries in the other tissues because the endothelial cells lie close together and form tight junctions. Thus capillaries in the brain have no opening through which drug molecules can pass. Only small lipid-soluble drugs can enter into the CNS. Inflammation of the epithelial layer may increase the permeability and allow charged and normally impermeable drugs to attain therapeutic concentrations in the CNS. E.g., Penicillin and streptomycin can achieve therapeutic concentrations in CNS in meningitis.
Blood brain barrier - This barrier is highly effective against chemicals and blood constituents. It is mainly formed by the endothelial cells of the CNS blood vessels. Its purpose is to protect the brain from the chemical environment of the rest of the body due to the delicate balance between excitation and inhibition maintained within the CNS. It contains transporter proteins essential to maintain an extracellular environment appropriate for the CNS neurons. Transporters are available for the essential amino acids and for glucose. Ion gradients must be maintained across a cell membrane to provide the energy needed to drive amino acid transport. The blood brain barrier contains active transporters for Ca2+, Na+ and K+. About l/5th of the glucose utilization of a healthy animal is required to maintain activity of ATP dependent active transporters, which maintain the ionic gradients that sustain resting membrane potential. The brain capillaries do not contain fenestrations (holes). There are more tight junctions in brain capillaries decreasing the rate of diffusion through interstitial spaces. Glial cells ensheath the brain capillaries providing a second set of cell membranes which must be traversed as well as a second intracellular compartment where cellular metabolic processes can transform entering substances. Highly lipophilic drugs enter easily because they cross membranes. Unionized forms of drugs enter more easily than ionized forms. The blood brain barrier is more leaky in neonates and young animals, in the hypothalamic region of the median eminence and the pituitary, over the chemoreceptor trigger zone where the vomiting center is organized and triggered, in some diseases like meningitis, high fever and high plasma bilirubin and also during hyperosmotic shock.
Cerebrospinal fluid barrier - This barrier is formed by choroids plexus epithelial cells. These cells serve both a barrier and a transport function. They are impermeable to most blood solutes.
Passage of drugs across the placenta - The placenta is not an effective barrier to most drugs and hence care must be taken while administering drugs to pregnant animals. Only highly ionised drugs and drugs with low lipid solubility are excluded from passing through the placenta. Drugs such as oxytocin are vulnerable to placental enzymes and so do not pose such a risk to the foetus.
Passage of drugs into the mammary tissue - The mammary gland epithelium, like the other biological membranes act as a lipid barrier and many drugs readily diffuse from the plasma into the milk. The pH of milk varies somewhat; but in goats and cows it is generally 6.5 - 6.8 if mastitis is not present. Weak bases tend to accumulate in milk because the fraction of ionized, nondiffusible drug is higher. Agents delivered by intramammary infusion can diffuse into the plasma to a greater or lesser degree based on pH differences and the pKa of the drug.
Other distribution barriers are the prostate, testicles & globe of the eye.
Drug dilution in body water - Body water constitutes about 75% of total body weight and the drug gets diluted in this body water including the transcellular secretions like cerebrospinal fluid, aqueous humor of the eyes, contents of renal tubules, urine in the bladder, milk, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, bile saliva and gastrointestinal secretions. Within each of the aqueous compartments, drug molecules usually exist both in free form and in bound form. Further, drugs that are weak acids or bases will exist as an equilibrium mixture of the charged and uncharged forms, the position of the equilibrium depending on the pH. The equilibrium pattern of distribution between the various compartments will therefore depend on permeability across the tissue barriers, binding within compartments, pH partition and fat : water partition. To enter the transcellular compartments from the extracellular compartment, a drug must cross a cellular barrier. The distribution between these body water compartments will depend on their volume. The gastrointestinal tract of ruminants and to a lesser extent in horses constitutes a huge aqueous volume into which the drug may be distributed. Furthermore, these animals produce very large amounts of saliva. Drugs administered parenterally may distribute into the rumen. Weak bases will tend to become trapped there since they become ionized at the lower pH they encounter in the rumen. Since the pH of milk (~ 6.8) is lower than the plasma (7.4), weak bases will tend to accumulate in milk. Trapping of basic drugs in milk is an advantage in the treatment of mastitis, but is also a potential problem in milking dairy animals.

Accumulation at other sites

Cells - Many drugs accumulate in muscle and other cells. Since the pH difference between the cytoplasm (~ 7.0)  and the extracellular space (~ 7.4) is small, there is little pH trapping.
Accumulation is either due to active transport or more commonly to binding.
Fat - Highly lipid soluble drugs accumulate in fat. E.g., chlorinated hydrocarbons. Larger doses of lipid soluble drugs may be necessary in obese animals.
Bone - certain drugs are deposited in the bone and teeth e.g., lead and other heavy metals, fluoride, tetracyclines.
Drug reservoirs - Sites other than the site of action can act as reservoirs for the drug if a large enough amount of the drug is sequestered there. For example
1.   Plasma proteins - digoxin, phenytoin
2.   Fat - thiopental, organochlorine pesticides
3.   Cells - quinacrine (liver cells)
4.   Bone - tetracyclines, lead
5.   GI tract - weak bases
6.   Keratinous tissues - Arsenic, griseofulvin
The existence of drug reservoirs and sites of prolonged sequestration is a major concern in food animals. Drug residues can be found in muscle, milk, eggs, liver etc. Hence, many drugs are not approved for use in food producing animals or if used, sufficient withdrawal time should be allowed before the animals are sent for slaughter.

Redistribution of drugs - Highly lipid soluble drugs given intravenously or by inhalation initially get distributed to organs with high blood flow like brain, heart, kidneys etc. Later less vascular but more bulky tissues like muscle and fat take up the drug. Plasma concentration falls and the drug is withdrawn from these sites. If the site of action of the drug was in one of the highly perfused organs, redistribution results in termination of the drug action. Greater the lipid solubility of the drug, faster is its redistribution. Anaesthetic action of thiopentone is terminated in few minutes due to redistribution. However, when the drug is given repeatedly or continuously, over long periods, the low perfusion high capacity sites get progressively filled up and the drug becomes longer acting.


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