the selection of a specific therapeutic agent to treat a disease condition that
has been diagnosed in a particular patient, an appropriate pharmaceutical form
of the drug is administered by a predetermined route at the recommended dose rate
and frequency. The expectation is that the desired pharmacological response
will occur for a known time period without any extraneous reactions. However,
unanticipated effects can occur following the delivery of almost any drug into
an animal's body. Drug-induced reactions may be exaggerated
(hyperresponsiveness) or of reduced magnitude (hyporesponsiveness) compared to
those that would normally result from the dosage employed. Such effects may
become evident either immediately or over time, and are not necessarily
directly related to the drug's main pharmacodynamic action. Secondary
pharmacological actions can become the dominant clinical feature and thereby
obscure the primary beneficial effect that is being sought. Alternatively, if
the drug acts as an antigen, a complex series of immune-mediated
(hypersensitivity) reactions may be precipitated that have no relationship to
the original disease syndrome or the pharmacological effects of the drug.
Finally, unexpected and bizarre drug-induced effects may occasionally occur
that simply cannot be explained. The term idiosyncrasy is used to cover these
unusual reactions.
basic types of adverse drug effects are recognized. Type A reactions
reflect excessive (or even diminished) but predictable, pharmacological actions
of a drug that are generally dose dependent and rarely lead to mortality. The
causes of this type of adverse drug effect include:
physiological factors such as species, breed, genetics, age, sex, body weight
and surface area, diet, nutritional status, temperament, relative activity,
circadian rhythms, and environmental conditions;
pharmacological factors such as dosage form, generic equivalence, dose rate and
delivery route, time and frequency of administration, direct drug-drug interactions,
pharmacogenetic interactions, pharmacodynamic interactions, and drug-diet
pathological states such as fever and pyrexia, shock, electrolyte and acid-base
derangements, uremia and renal disease,
hepatopathy, cardiovascular disease, anemia, respiratory disease,
gastrointestinal disorders, neurological disturbances, and impaired
B adverse reactions lead to aberrant drug effects that are
totally unrelated to any anticipated responses and are usually independent of
the dose employed. Mortality rates may be quite high in these cases. The basic
causes of type B adverse drug effects include: 1) Errors in drug formulation or
accidental contamination of the preparation with either toxic substances or
pathogenic microorganisms. Neither of these possibilities is likely when modern
commercially prepared products are utilized for medicating animals. However,
crudely compounded drug formulations always represent a potential hazard. 2)
Unique patient characteristics: Genetic differences between animals of the same
species and even breed may be responsible for dramatic differences between the
reactions encountered in various animal subpopulations. Pharmacogenetic
variances have been well established in man. Another unique characteristic of
an animal is the immune status and whether there has been previous exposure to
a particular pharmacological agent that has been recognized as an antigen by
the host's immune system. Drug allergy, or hypersensitivity, is the commonest
form of type B reaction in veterinary medicine.
Although the basic mechanism of action of a drug may be the same, the intensity
and duration of the effect produced in various animal species can vary
considerably. However, in many cases, the range of therapeutic plasma levels
correlate quite closely, even with those found in man. Thus, species variations
in the responses elicited by a fixed dose of a drug can be attributed to
differences in either pharmacokinetic processes (absorption, distribution,
bio-transformation, and excretion) or in the pharmacodynamic sensitivity of specific
tissue receptors.
are substantial anatomical and functional differences between the digestive
tracts of the various domesticated and wild animal species. These unique
characteristics can influence the disposition of orally administered drugs. The
carnivorous species are periodic feeders that have thick-walled, relatively
short gastrointestinal tracts with intestinal transit times of ~ 6 hours. The
pH of the gastric juice in these species is usually between 1 and 3. The scope
of the fermentation processes in the colon is minimal. Carnivores have
well-developed emetic reflexes and can vomit quite readily. Drug absorption in
the cat and dog is relatively uncomplicated, occurring mainly in the upper
gastrointestinal tract. However, the systemic availability of the drug is
dependent on the extent of the first-pass effect through the gut epithelium and
liver. This can be sufficiently different between the cat and the dog to
reflect in variations in the fraction of an oral dose available systemically.
herbivores, e.g., Equidae, guinea pig, and rabbit, have relatively voluminous
caeca and colons in which active microbial degradation of cellulose and other
insoluble carbohydrates takes place. These hindgut fermentation processes are
sensitive to disruption by broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents - with fatal
consequences in some instances. Micro floral metabolism of drugs can produce a
metabolite profile of very different configuration from those in simple
monogastric species. The horse tends to be a continuous feeder, with the
stomach serving as a temporary storage organ for ingested feed. The
intragastric pH of the horse varies considerably and has been shown to have a
range of 1 - 7. The bioavailability of
many preparations dosed orally in the horse is often unpredictable. Feeding can
markedly influence plasma-concentration time curves as well as the areas under
the curves: e.g. giving phenylbutazone orally prior to feeding or with the
ration generally leads to good absorption with peak plasma levels in 2-3 hours.
However, if phenylbutazone is administered orally after feeding, absorption may
be considerably delayed and is often incomplete. The shortest intestinal
transit time expected in the adult horse is ~30 hours. The Equidae, not having
gall bladders, excrete bile constantly and active biliary elimination of drugs
with notable enterohepatic cycling is quite characteristic for these species.
The horse is not capable of effective vomiting; in fact, emetic efforts may
prove to be disastrous.
(pregastric fermenters) possess a large forestomach, consisting of the
ruminoreticulum and omasum, which is never empty and in which active microbial
growth and metabolism proceed in the form of continuous flow culture. There is
a steady but intermittent delivery of ingesta, containing not only many of the
end products of microbial digestion but also the bacteria and protozoa
themselves, into the abomasum for further utilization by the host animal. Drug
absorption from the ruminoreticulum is typically retarded because of dilution
in ruminal fluid. Even though the ruminoreticulum and omasum are lined by
stratified squamous epithelium, the basic principles that govern the diffusion
of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract into the systemic circulation remain
the same as in other species, being mainly dependent on the drug's lipid
solubility and concentration gradient. With ruminal stasis the rate of
absorption is invariably decreased. Buffering systems maintain the usual pH of
ruminal fluid between 6.0 and 6.8 but this is dependent on diet and the time of
collection relative to feeding. Animals on high grain diets tend to have
intraruminal pH values of 5.5 -6.0, whereas excessive protein or NPN intake
produces higher than normal measurements even up to 8.0 in extreme cases.
Denial of feed for any length of time will also lead to more neutral or even
alkaline values for ruminal fluid pH. The bioavailability of orally
administered drugs is variable, because of the complexity of the fore-stomach
activity in these animals. In addition, the anaerobic micro flora is capable of
inactivating several drugs in the ruminoreticulum, chloramphenicol and the
digitalis glycosides being 2 well-known examples. The reverse is also possible,
however, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents destroying the ruminal micro
flora with resultant ruminal atony and disruption of other fore-stomach functions.
The intestinal transit times in domesticated ruminants are quite long, being ~
40 hours or more in most species. Though rumination is a normal complex
regurgitive reflex, ruminant animals are not capable of vomiting in the
physiological sense.
the considerable variations between species with respect to the gastrointestinal
fate of orally administered drugs, there are also species differences related
to the intracorporeal distribution of drugs. Depending on their
physico-chemical characteristics, pharmacological agents may or may not diffuse
into the large voluminous compartments of the digestive tracts of species like
the equids and ruminants. The weight of the content of the ruminoreticulum in
cattle may constitute between 10 and 15% of the body weight but may or may not
represent a distribution compartment. Ion trapping within the gastrointestinal
tract will depend on the usual pH values in the various large compartments
found in these species.
that are highly lipid soluble will tend to accumulate over time in body fat
depots. Thus, in animals such as pigs, fat lambs, and finished steers, adipose
tissue may represent a large distribution compartment for those lipid-soluble
agents that are slowly metabolized.
are often notable interspecies variations in the degree of plasma protein
binding of drugs, both acidic and basic. Differences in the concentration of
the plasma proteins are also recognized. Small changes in the degree of binding
of drugs in the plasma and tissues may lead to significant redistribution of
highly bound drugs between tissues and plasma. Frequently the tissue distribution
of drugs differs qualitatively between species.
passage of drugs across the placenta in the pregnant animal is another facet of
interspecies variation in drug distribution. Though not always predictable or
consistent it seems that species with less intimate placentations
(epitheliochorial) tend to exclude drugs from the fetus more than do those
animals with more intimate placentations (endotheliochorial, hemochorial, or
hemoendothelial). The differences may be more quantitative than qualitative.
of the pharmacokinetic differences between species are due to varying rates or
different pathways for the metabolic transformation of drugs. In addition,
many environmental and nutritional factors can influence both phase 1 and phase
2 reactions in different animal species. As a very general rule, carnivores
tend to conjugate drugs and their metabolites slowly, whereas, these reactions
in herbivores are rather rapid. Omnivores tend to be intermediate in this
regard. Domestic animals appear to be able to oxidize drugs more efficiently
than man. Account must also be taken of the contributions made by gastrointestinal
micro flora to the drug biotransformation process and the consequent variations
observed between species in this regard.
differences in duration of blood concentrations of salicylate, chloramphenicol,
phenylbutazone, amphetamine, phenol, and several other drugs are observed among
horses, ruminants, swine, dogs, cats, laboratory rodents and man. This
observation has a great influence on dosage regimens: e.g. the plasma half-life
of salicylate is 38, 8, 6, ~ 5, 1 and 0.8 hours in cats, dogs, swine, man,
horses, and goats, respectively. If the dosage interval recommended for man is
followed in cats, they will be poisoned. Conversely, this regimen would not be
adequate to treat fever in horses. Dogs and cats metabolize 85-90% of a dose of
meperidine within an hour after administration. Consequently, this drug is not
very useful for the management of pain because of its short duration of action.
Cats metabolize phenol very slowly relative to other animals and thus are much
more readily intoxicated by this disinfectant.
specific differences are known to exist with respect to drug-metabolizing
enzymes. The cat is deficient in hepatic glucuronyl transferase. This results
in a dependence on different and slow pathways for biotransformation of certain
compounds, with frequent increases in the duration of action and potential
toxicity of these agents. Dogs have a deficiency of arylamine acetyl
transferase and also possess, a hepatic deacetylase that rapidly removes acetyl
groups. Thus, acetylated derivatives of sulfonamides are not found in canine
urine as they are in other species. The pig is deficient in its ability to
carry out sulfate conjugation reactions.
of the complexity of the various biotransformation capabilities, and the number
of metabolic pathways potentially available or not available as the case may
be, there exists an inherent danger in extrapolating information derived from
studies in 1 animal species (including man) to another without due regard for
possible differences in the pharmacokinetic fate of the agent in the second
do not seem to be major deviations among mammals with respect to the mechanisms
of drug excretion. However, the avian kidney may be less efficient in its
ability to eliminate drugs such as the barbiturates. There is also some
evidence that there may be differences in the active tubular secretion of
certain drug classes in particular species. Those drugs whose renal excretion
may be influenced by the pH of the urine will undergo elimination at different
rates in the ruminant (urinary pH 7.0 - 8.0), the horse and pig (urinary pH ~
7.0) and the carnivores (urinary pH usually 5.0 - 6.5).
rate of biliary excretion and the presence or absence of an extensive
enterohepatic cycle may represent the major reason for variations in the elimination
half-life of a drug between species. Various animals utilize biliary excretion
for different sized molecules, e.g., rat >325 daltons, and man >500
animals may excrete large quantities of drug in milk. Those that produce large
volumes of milk such as the dairy cow will then eliminate relatively greater
amounts of drug via the mammary gland.
the differences encountered between the pharmacokinetic patterns in the various
animal species, in many instances, because of variations in biochemical,
physiological, or integrative processes, unique responses may occur in a
particular animal species. A selection of these reactions is listed below to
emphasize this aspect of variation in drug response.
Species Drug Reaction
Horses Certain phenothiazine neuroleptics
Extreme excitement
Phenothiazine neuroleptics Permanent penile paralysis
Tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides Fatal colitis
Monensin Fatal
cardiac failure
Etorphine/acepromazine Severe
respiratory depression and
(at horse dose rate) cardiac
Xylazine Extreme
sensitivity to depressant
Morphine Excitatory,
aberrant behavior
Iodochlorhydroxyquin Fatal encephalitis
Acetaminophen Fatal
centrilobular hepatic necrosis
(biotransformation dependent)
Phenolic compounds Marked
Morphine and other Opioid Excitatory
analgesics (at usual doses)
Aminoglycosides Especially sensitive to
neurotoxic effects
(Breed) Factor: Certain genetic or breed characteristics
may also alter the susceptibility of an animal to a particular pharmacological
agent. Several pharmacogenetic factors have been elucidated in man but this
aspect of pharmacology has not been well studied in animals. The few examples
of known unique breed responses include the following: Shetland and Welsh pony
crosses seem to be more susceptible to the effects of xylazine than are the
European breeds. Certain strains of sheep lack the esterase enzyme necessary
for the inactivation of the organic phosphate anthelmintic, haloxon, which
explains the sporadic neurotoxicity in lambs following drenching with haloxon.
Greyhounds and Whippets often show prolonged sleeping time after the
administration of thiopental sodium, possibly due to limited redistribution in
these lean dogs. Brachycephalic breeds, such as the Pug, Pekingese, and
Bulldog, may exhibit syncope following the administration of acepromazine
because of sinoatrial block resulting from vagal overtone.
The neonate (up to ~ 1 month) differs from older individuals of the same
species in a number of significant ways. Toxicity as a result of drug therapy
during the neonatal period is not uncommon. The blood-brain barrier that prevents
the diffusion of many drugs and endogenous compounds into the brain of the
adult is poorly developed in the fetus and the newborn of many species. This is
because of open tubulocisternal endoplasmic reticulum components of cerebral
endothelial and choroid plexus epithelial cells. Neonatal animals are
susceptible to marked changes in environmental temperature because of a larger
surface to body weight ratio and a lesser capacity to limit heat loss. Drugs
that impair temperature regulatory mechanisms can easily jeopardize a neonate's
well being. Fetal hemoglobin is different from adult hemoglobin, and the
neonate undergoes the change early in life. Moreover, the fetal RBC is
deficient in methemoglobin reductase and hence there is a sensitivity to
oxidant drugs. Several classes of drug may produce methemoglobinemia in the
newborn: included are sulfonamides, nitrofurans, methylene blue,
acetylsalicylic acid, acetophenetidin, and the phenothiazines.
parameters may be markedly different in the newborn for a number of reasons.
Little, if any, information is available regarding quantitative adjustments to
dose rates or frequencies in the very young, but the differences in
disposition kinetics make it imperative that dose rates be reduced in the neonate
- at least for the first 4 weeks of life. There is an increased permeability
of the small intestine during the period immediately following birth, and the
absorption of drugs usually retained in the intestine may be appreciable during
this period. Milk, however, may retard the absorption of drugs such as the
tetracyclines because of calcium chelation. The ruminant is essentially a
monogastric animal until the ruminoreticulum is seeded with micro flora and the
fermentation processes commence by about the third or fourth week of life. The
increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier was noted above, but another
feature of importance is the difference in the body water compartments at this
early age. Body water makes up a higher percentage of body weight at birth than
late in infancy. Furthermore, the extracellular fluid volume is greater than
the intracellular volume. This effectively reduces the concentration of drugs
that are distributed in the extracellular space and alterations in drug
distribution patterns are frequent in the neonate. Hypoproteinemia (mostly due
to low albumin levels) is also quite common in the newborn and this in turn may
increase the amount of drug available to diffuse into tissues. Because the body
content of fat is low (2 - 3%) in the neonate, adipose tissue cannot represent
a significant distribution compartment. However, the greatest single factor
altering pharmacokinetics during the neonatal period is the deficiency of
hepatic microsomal enzyme function for the first 4 weeks, and particularly
during the first 7 days. This limitation almost invariably leads to prolonged
tissue levels and even toxic effects if adult dose regimens are blindly
followed. Drugs that have considerably longer half-lives in the neonate, particularly
within the first week, include phenytoin, phenobarbital, chloramphenicol,
salicylates, and theophylline. Renal function is typically deficient at birth
and develops fully only during the first 1 - 2 months; thus, rates of
elimination of drugs are slow, and also the neonate or young animal may be more
susceptible to toxic effects of drugs on the kidney. For example, foals are
more susceptible to Gentamicin - induced nephrotoxicity than are adult horses.
However, in ruminant species, within 5 - 7 days, renal function is adequate
for excretion of xenobiotics, and seems to mature within 1 - 2 weeks.
stage of growth may also predispose a young animal to certain adverse drug
effects. Antianabolic or frankly catabolic drugs will delay growth, as will drugs
that suppress or impair appetite. Agents that impede normal calcium absorption
and deposition will inhibit bone development. In addition, the administration
of steroids with androgenic properties can lead to premature closure of the
epiphyseal growth plates, with consequent lessening of the animal's anticipated
adult size.
for pharmacokinetic considerations in the geriatric patient has increased
during the past few years. Indications are that activity of hepatic microsomal
drug enzymes is reduced with aging. The half-lives of some drugs may be
increased up to 50% in geriatric patients and this is usually accompanied by a
reduction in total plasma clearance. These differences are not reliably
predictable and depend on the characteristics of the drug and the individual
patient. The physiologic changes that occur with aging, and that contribute to
alterations in drug disposition, include reductions in lean body mass, total
body water, plasma albumin concentrations, cardiac output, hepatic mass, liver
blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, and renal plasma flow. Few studies have
been conducted in geriatric patients, and no fixed pharmacokinetic guidelines
for dosage adjustments are available at this time. However, when administering
drugs to very old animals, caution should always be exercised with regard to
the dose rates selected.
efficacy of bacteriostatic drugs is dependent upon a competent immune system.
Since both the neonate and very old animal usually are not fully
immunocompetent, it is preferable to employ bactericidal drugs to control
bacterial infections at these ages.
The influence of sex on drug effects and the occurrence of adverse drug
reactions principally relates to reproductive function. However, the rate of
biotransformation and hence elimination of some endogenous and foreign compounds
may differ between male and female animals, e.g., the sex steroids. There are
also occasional variations observed in the response to specific drugs between
male and female animals.
main pharmacotherapeutic concerns associated with the treatment of females are
the following: 1) the potential effect of the drugs used on the reproductive
organs and their function; 2) the possible embryocidal, teratogenic, or
abortifacient actions of drugs when administered to a pregnant animal; 3) the
potential influence of any of the drugs administered on the parturition process
- either to delay or to induce parturition; 4) the possible effects of any of
the drugs used on lactation - either inhibitory or stimulatory; 5) the presence
of any of the drugs administered as a residue in the milk of a lactating animal
- either because of possible harmful effects to the suckling young or because
of public health considerations.
the male, possible adverse actions of drugs would relate to the male
reproductive system, both the gonads and the accessory glands, particularly the
prostate. Stimulatory or inhibitory effects may be induced by appropriate
therapeutic agents.
Weight and Surface Area: An approximation of surface area is
occasionally employed for determining the dose of exquisitely toxic drugs,
e.g., some of the antineoplastic agents, but body weight is the primary
determinant in most cases. However, the use of body weight does have several
limitations that need to be recognized when particularly powerful therapeutic
agents are administered. Differences between body weight and "true"
lean body weight become evident when dealing with the following states:
obesity, starvation, ascites or generalized edema, fill of the gastrointestinal
tract in herbivores, severe dehydration, immaturity, old age, and the presence
of large tumors.
and Nutritional Status: Well-nourished animals normally cope
with the disposition and elimination of drugs with little difficulty. In
animals suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition, absorption, distribution,
biotransformation, and excretion processes may all be impaired to a greater or
lesser degree for many of the reasons discussed above. The diet of an animal
can influence the response to a drug. This is best exemplified by the common
regional differences encountered with the toxicity of anthelmintics used in a
variety of herbivorous species.
The temperament of an animal may influence its response to a drug particularly
the CNS-active agents. The response to neuroleptics and tranquilizers often
depends in large measure on the animal's mental state prior to and following
the administration of the agent. Placebo effects have even been described in
animals under certain conditions.
Activity and circadian Rhythms: Many biological
"rhythms" have been identified and characterized in domesticated
animals. These circadian cycles may have diurnal or nocturnal peaks. Their
chronopharmacological importance relates to the desirability of designing
therapeutic regimens to follow particular cycles rather than to disrupt or
inhibit the controlling mechanisms that operate through feedback loops. This
approach to restricting the adverse effects of drugs is well illustrated by the
long-term use of alternate-day, early morning therapy with short-acting
glucocorticoids to limit the potential suppression of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Conditions: Besides the role that environmental factors play in
determining the forage available for herbivorous species, ambient conditions
may directly influence the action of a number of drugs. Extreme heat and cold
lead to peripheral vasodilation or vasoconstriction, respectively, with
possible effects on drug disposition. High temperatures will increase the rate
of volatilization of the inhalant anesthetics and will also increase the
respiratory rate, thus facilitating inhalant anesthesia when open methods of
administration are used. Extreme environmental temperatures may also influence
the blood levels of several hormones such as epinephrine, thyroxine,
triodothyronine, and the glucocorticoids.
Tolerance: This means
requirement of higher doses to produce a given response. It is widely occurring
adaptive biological response. Drug tolerance may be natural, acquired or
cross-tolerance. Natural tolerance is one in which a species/individual is
inherently less sensitive to the drug. For example, rabbits are tolerant to
large doses of atropine, which is toxic to other species, black races are
tolerant to mydriatics. Acquired tolerance is one in which repeated use of a
drug in an individual who was initially responsive, no response is observed to
the same dose of the drug. Body is capable of developing tolerance to most
drugs. Cross-tolerance is one in which tolerance develops in pharmacologically
drugs. For example barbiturates exhibit tolerance, i.e. if one member of
barbiturate exhibits tolerance, all the other members also exhibit tolerance.
Idiosyncrasy: It is a
genetically determined abnormal reactivity to a chemical. Certain adverse
effects of some drugs are largely restricted to individuals with a particular
genotype. In addition, certain uncharacteristic or bizarre drug effects due to
peculiarities of an individual are among idiosyncratic reactions.
Intolerance: If the subject
is a hyper-reactor, the desired effects of the drug will be too intense and
dosage will have to be reduced. Keeping un-wanted side effects to an acceptable
level may require that the dosage is reduced, whether or not this reduces the
intensity of the desired effect also.
Dosage and Administration: Typically a standard dose rate is
furnished for a drug preparation together with the required route of
administration and the appropriate time interval between repeat doses. These
recommendations by the pharmaceutical manufacturer are based on pharmacokinetic
studies in the target animal species. However, because the test animals are often
healthy whereas it is diseased animals that are treated, some clinical
judgement is often required with respect to the dose to be used. In most
instances the administration of a pharmaceutical preparation at the standard
rate and frequency by the advised route produces an anticipated kinetic pattern
and a satisfactory therapeutic response when used for a specifically indicated
disease condition. There are, however, several facets related to drug dosage
forms and their administration that might unexpectedly lead to an alteration
in drug response.
absorption of a drug from the common parenteral injection sites, other than
intravascular is determined chiefly by the formulation of the drug, the
vascularity of the tissue in which the preparation is deposited, and to a
lesser extent by the degree of ionization and lipid solubility of the drug. An
additional consideration is the anatomical site of the injection. In cattle,
differences have been found between the peak plasma concentrations of
oxytetracycline when injected IM in the neck, shoulder, and buttock; the
highest levels were found after injection in the shoulder region. Other
considerations include tissue reaction at the injection site and the influence
this might have on absorption into the systemic circulation. Unintended drug
delivery into relatively avascular tissues will delay absorption. This is seen
with injection into fascial sheaths between muscle bundles (intermuscular) or
into subcut. adipose tissue. The base or salt form of the drug used as well as
the vehicles, solubilizers, stabilizers, buffers, and emulsifying agents
included in the formulation are all capable of modifying the rate or absorption
of the drug from the site of injection. This should be taken into account when
comparing different preparations of the same drug.
oral drug preparations are solid dosage forms though suspensions, pastes, and
even solutions are quite common. Any solid dosage form needs to undergo
disintegration and dissolution before absorption can take place. Dissolution
frequently controls the rate of drug absorption and thus, differences between
the bioavailability of various pharmaceutical formulations of the same drug may
be encountered with consequent temporal and quantitative differences between
their pharmacological effects.
all cases with both parenteral and oral administration, the greater the
concentration of a drug in a preparation, the faster will be its rate of
absorption into the systemic circulation, and the sooner will its
pharmacological effects become evident.
Inequivalence: Although generic preparations of a drug
manufactured by a variety of pharmaceutical companies would be expected to be
equally effective at the same dosage, this is not always the case. The reasons
for therapeutic or generic inequivalence between different products that
contain the same amount of the same active principle (chemically equivalent)
are often complex and obscure. There is usually some form of component reaction
or interaction in solid dosage forms that is responsible for the reduced
bioavailability of the less effective formulation. Excipient differences have
been recognized as the cause of the inequivalence encountered between
preparations containing tetracyclines, phenobarbital, phenylbutazone,
phenytoin, and several other drugs. Different particle sizes, which influence
the rate of dissolution of the active principle, have led to discrepancies
between products containing digoxin, nitrofurantoin, griseofulvin,
oxytetracycline, chloramphenicol palmitate, and ampicillin (ampicillin
trihydrate versus ampicillin). Crystal
polymorphism has been responsible for the therapeutic inequivalence evidenced
between preparations containing chloramphenicol as well as those containing
aluminum hydroxide. Several chemically equivalent formulations intended for
parenteral administration have also revealed diminished bioavailability of the
active principle, leading to unpredictable therapeutic responses. Once again,
there may be several reasons for the ultimate differences in the blood levels
that are obtained. The actual formulation with the particular vehicles and
stabilizers used, the chemical form of the drug employed and the tissue
reactions that occur at the injection site may all be responsible for different
rates of absorption. Drug preparations intended for parenteral administration
that have shown evidence of therapeutic inequivalence include Chloramphenicol,
oxytetracycline, diazepam, and iron dextran.
clinical significance of generic inequivalence and the possibility of resultant
therapeutic failures has become less problematical in recent years; regulatory
requirements for the licensing of a new product containing an already approved
drug now demand that full bioequivalence of the new formulation be
demonstrated. However, it is still wise when changing from one product to
another to pay attention to the clinical responses to assure oneself that the
preparations are indeed equivalent.
Drug-Drug Interactions: When pharmaceutical preparations are
mixed indiscriminately prior to their administration by virtually any route,
interactions may occur between the active ingredients or between the active
ingredients and formulation adjuncts. Incompatibilities that occur may result
in precipitation, chemical inactivation, or changes in the color, taste, or
physical form of the preparations. The occurrence of drug-drug interactions in
the pharmaceutical phase is frequently unpredictable. Detrimental reactions
may be obvious but are often subtle and not easily detected. There is
considerable variation between specific products with respect to their
potential incompatibilities. The constituents involved in such in vitro
reactions could include the active principles, vehicles, stabilizers,
correctives, preservatives, solubilizers, and antioxidants. Even the type of
container or stopper (glass, plastic, or rubber) can play a role.
Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, agitation, and ultraviolet
light may also initiate detrimental reactions in inappropriately mixed
formulations. The time between the mixing of products and their subsequent
oral, parenteral, or topical administration may also allow a degree of
inactivation of incompatible ingredients.
drug incompatibilities have been recognized and described. A few select
examples are listed below, simply to emphasize the degree of caution that
should be exercised whenever pharmaceutical preparations are mixed; thought
should be given to the possible consequences.
Drug Incompatible Preparations
sulfate Barbiturates,
Chloramphenicol sodium succinate Hydrocortisone sodium succinate, heparin sodium,
chlorpromazine hydrochloride, promethazine hydrochloride, gentamicin sulfate,
penicillins, erythromycin, tetracyclines, vitamins B and C
Gentamicin sulfate Carbenicillin (and other
semisynthetic penicillins), cephalosporins, Chloramphenicol sodium succinate,
sulfonamides, heparin sodium
Tetracyclines Salts
of calcium, aluminum, magnesium, and other tri-and divalent cations;
penicillins, cephalosporins, tylosin, chloramphenicol sodium succinate,
hydrocortisone sodium succinate, sodium bicarbonate
Meperidine Barbiturates,
sodium bicarbonate, heparin sodium, methylprednisolone sodium succinate
Calcium gluconate Carbonate, phosphate, and sulfate
salts (e.g., sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate, streptomycin sulfate);
promethazine hydrochloride, tetracyclines, sulfonamide solutions
penicillins }
benzyl penicillin }
Aminoglycosides }
Barbiturates } Many
incompatibilities—should not be mixed with
Diazepam } other drug preparations
neuroleptics }
B Complex }
addition to the above, many drugs will not retain their integrity and activity
over time when diluted in certain commonly used parenteral fluids - either if
added alone or in combination with other drugs. Again just a few examples from
the many that are known are presented below to illustrate this type of
potential interaction.
Drug Incompatible Parenteral Fluids
sodium Glucose
solution, Dextran solutions
hydrochloride Solutions containing Ca++
or Mg++ ions
(e.g., Ringer's solution) Glucose solutions
Gentamicin sulfate Any fluid when the concentration of
gentamicin exceeds 1g/L
in most solutions
sodium succinate Sodium lactate solutions
Sodium bicarbonate Sodium lactate solutions, Ringer's
solutions, Other Ca2+ containing solutions
general rule to avoid direct drug-drug interactions is simply not to mix
pharmaceutical preparations prior to or during their administration unless it
is known for certain that the respective formulations are completely
few direct drug-drug interactions of note may even occur within the body after
separate administration of the agents involved. Examples include the inactivation
of certain penicillins by some aminoglycosides at sites of infection (e.g.,
kanamycin and methicillin, gentamicin and carbenicillin); tetracyclines chelate di- and trivalent
cations (Ca++, Fe++, Al+++, etc); protamine
inactivates heparin (used to reverse excessive heparin effects on coagulation);
calcium gluconate and sodium sulfonamide solutions, when administered simultaneously,
can form gels in the vein with subsequent embolism and occlusion; kaolin binds
rifampin and lincomycin in the gastrointestinal tract.
Interactions: A dietary component or the actual presence
of food may influence the absorption of drugs, and drugs in turn may impair the
absorption of nutrients. However, in most cases the absorption of orally
administered drugs is not particularly affected by dietary constituents, and
they are well absorbed whether given either with or between meals. There are a
few notable exceptions to this generalization. The absorption of the
tetracyclines is impaired by milk and milk products because of the presence of
calcium ions. The presence of food may also substantially reduce the absorption
of sulfisoxazole, ampicillin and some other semisynthetic penicillins (but not
amoxicillin), cephalexin, tetracyclines, lincomycin, and rifampin. Conversely,
the absorption of griseofulvin is markedly increased when given with fat,
cream, or oleomargarine. This represents a very useful way of attaining high
levels of griseofulvin in the keratin layers of the skin in cases of
dermatomycosis. The actual presence of food in the stomach may exert a
nonspecific effect in reducing or slowing the absorption of some drugs, e.g.,
the absorption of phenylbutazone in the horse becomes somewhat unpredictable
when it is administered after feeding. In ruminants, eating and the presence
of fresh feed in the ruminoreticulum increases ruminal motility and enhance
blood flow to the forestomach. Under these circumstances, the rate of absorption
of drugs from the ruminoreticulum tends to increase.
orally administered drugs may interfere with the absorption of specific
nutrients—especially with long-term administration. Chronic anticonvulsant
therapy with phenytoin suppresses absorption of dietary folic acid, and daily
administration of mineral oil impede the absorption of the fat-soluble
vitamins, ultimately leading to deficiency states. Oral dosage of antibiotics,
such as the tetracyclines and aminoglycosides, which reach effective antibacterial
levels in the lower small intestine and large intestine, can lead to
suppression of microbial synthesis of vitamin K and the vitamin B complex. In
species that are dependent, at least in part, on the microbial production in
their intestinal tracts of these essential nutrients, the chronic
administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics can lead to subclinical
Interactions: One or several drugs can interfere with the
pharmacokinetic fate of concurrently administered drugs in several ways. Such
interactions may involve processes involved in the absorption, distribution,
biotransformation, or excretion of drugs.
Interactions Involving Gastrointestinal Absorption:
There are many mechanisms through which the rate of absorption of drugs from
the gastrointestinal tract may be modified by a second drug. Antacids and
cimetidine increase the intragastric pH and thereby may change the
disintegration and dissolution rates of solid oral dosage forms, and also delay
the absorption of weakly acidic drugs. Sodium bicarbonate typically reduces the
absorption of the tetracyclines. Because the stomach is not a major site of
absorption and most drugs are primarily absorbed from the proximal small
Intestine by virtue of its much greater surface area, the rate of gastric
emptying and the degree of intestinal motility may markedly influence the rate
of drug absorption. Gastrointestinal motility will be diminished by agents such
as anticholinergics, adrenergics, neuroleptics, antihistaminics, and opioid
analgesics. Conversely, cholinergics, metoclopramide, antacids, and some
purgatives enhance gastrointestinal movement. The net effect on the absorption
rate of drugs administered orally when the digestive tract is under the
influence of motility modifiers depends in large measure on whether they are
acids or bases and whether they are normally rapidly or slowly absorbed. Drugs
dosed orally may complex with each other in some fashion, e.g., they may form
ion pairs or chelates, and their absorption may then be diminished or enhanced.
Tetracycline absorption is diminished by the formation of insoluble chelates
with di- and trivalent cations such as Ca++, Fe++ and Al+++.
On the other hand, the absorption of dicumarol is increased by magnesium hydroxide
because of the greater solubility of the chelate that is formed. Kaolin,
activated charcoal, and cholestyramine reduce the gastrointestinal absorption
of many drugs concurrently administered orally because of their propensity to
bind to other substances (adsorption). Malabsorption syndromes can result from
toxic effects of certain drugs on intestinal mucosal cells. For example,
chloramphenicol, neomycin, and tetracycline produce characteristic lesions in
the intestinal mucosa of calves. The morphological changes include diffuse
reduction to villous height and numbers, flattened mucosal epithelium, and
multifocal villous fusion. Adrenergic agents with alpha activity induce
pronounced splanchnic vasoconstriction, which in turn, will deter the rapid absorption
of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract into the portal circulation. Finally,
for as yet unknown reasons, high plasma concentrations of insulin facilitate
the absorption of meperidine, salicylate, and chlorpromazine from the
Interactions Involving Absorption From Injection Sites:
The rate of absorption following parenteral administration is governed
primarily by the anatomical site employed for the injection, the pharmaceutical
form of the drug and the vehicle used, and the regional blood flow. Interaction
of inadvisedly mixed injections may lead either to an increased absorption
rate if vasodilation occurs or to delayed absorption if a vasoconstrictive
response results. This interaction may be deliberate, best illustrated by the combined
use of epinephrine and local analgesics to prolong the duration of their effect
at the site of administration.
Interactions Involving Distribution: The concurrent
administration of 2 or more drugs may alter the intracorporeal distribution pattern
of each of them. Competition for plasma protein binding sites is quite common.
Acidic drugs that possess the greatest affinity displace less strongly bound
agents and the net excess of free drug may then lead to exaggerated or toxic
responses. The few examples outlined below serve to emphasize this
sometimes-dangerous form of pharmacokinetic interaction.
bound drug
of interaction
Coumarins (especially
Hemorrhage due to
excessive Inhibition of the synthesis of Vit-K-dependent clotting factors
Enhanced sulfonamide
activity and toxicity
Increased methotrexate
Valproic acid
Increased plasma phenytoin
the effects on drug disposition that may result from displacement from protein
binding sites, the pharmacodynamic effects of 1 drug may affect the tissue
distribution of another. Examples include drug-induced alterations in cardiac
output, blood shunts and changes in capillary permeability.
Interactions Involving Biotransformation: Of all the pharmacokinetic
factors that control drug action, the rate of metabolic transformation is 1 of
the most important. Hence, interactions that result in changes in the rate of
drug metabolism can be of great clinical significance. One drug can alter the
metabolism of a second drug either by stimulating (inducing) or inhibiting the
microsomal enzyme systems. The extent to which drug-metabolizing enzymes may be
induced varies with the species and with the degree of previous exposure to
inducing agents. The usual consequence of microsomal enzyme induction is an
abbreviated effect of the second drug because it is biotransformed much more
rapidly. However, in those cases in which prodrugs are converted to active
compounds by metabolic transformation, toxic effects may become evident because
of the facilitation of the activation process. Inducing agents need to be
administered repetitively over a period of several days in order to stimulate
microsomal enzyme activity maximally. In veterinary medicine, few therapeutic
agents are administered for prolonged time periods but there are some important
exceptions such as anticonvulsants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sex
steroids and antifungal agents. A selection of drugs that induce microsomal
enzyme activity and the compounds whose rate of biotransformation is increased
are set out below.
Inducing agent Compounds whose rate of Biotransformation is increased
Phenobarbital Barbiturates,
Phenytoin, Phenylbutazone, Warfarin, Cortisol, Testosterone Progesterone,
Phenylbutazone Phenylbutazone, Corticosteroids,
Sex steroids
Phenytoin Corticosteroids, Sex
Griseofulvin Warfarin
neuroleptics, diazepam, diphenhydramine, mitotane, estradiol, progestogens,
androgens, and other barbiturates are also capable of inducing microsomal
enzyme activity.
drugs are capable of inhibiting the biotransformation of others. The mechanism
usually involves competitive enzyme inhibition and, unlike induction, occurs
immediately after the inhibitor reaches the enzyme. Even though the effect may
be observed very quickly, in some cases it may take several days before the
clinical evidence of microsomal (or other) enzyme inhibition of drug metabolism
becomes apparent. Microsomal enzyme inhibitors that are of clinical importance
include chloramphenicol, cimetidine, quinidine, and prednisolone. The
suppression of barbiturate and phenytoin metabolism by chloramphenicol is of
particular concern because of the serious consequences of this interaction.
Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, reduces the hepatic inactivation of
several agents including 6-substituted purines such as azathioprine and
Interactions Involving Excretion: Drug interactions can
affect the efficiency of the organs involved in the excretion of drugs and
their metabolites. Several mechanisms may be responsible for interactions
affecting renal excretion. Any drug that modifies renal blood flow can
potentially alter the renal clearance of other drugs by changing both the
glomerular filtration rate and the tubular transport process. Increased renal
blood flow will generally promote the renal excretion of drugs and/or their
metabolites. The reverse is true for renal ischemia induced by vasoconstrictive
agents. Increased urine flow rates resulting from the administration of
diuretics may increase the renal excretion of concurrently administered drugs -
though in some cases the diuretics themselves will compete with other agents
for tubular transport carriers and this will reduce their renal elimination.
Alteration of urinary pH will change the rate of excretion via the kidneys,
principally when the pKa’s of the drugs are within the range of the urine pH.
Even minor deviations in urine pH will then substantially modify the degree of
ionization of either acids or bases, thus hindering or facilitating their
reabsorption from the tubules. Weak bases, such as morphine, meperidine,
procaine, and several antihistaminics, are excreted more rapidly at lower and
more slowly at higher urine pH values. The opposite applies for weak acids such
as nalidixic acid, nitrofurantoin, several sulfonamides, some barbiturates,
and many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Urinary alkalinizing agents that
are capable of influencing the excretion rate of concurrently administered
drugs include sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, and sodium acetate. The
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that act as diuretics also alkalinize the urine.
Urinary acidifiers (with opposite effects from those of the alkalinizing agents
on the renal excretion of drugs) include ascorbic acid, methionine, sodium acid
phosphate, and ammonium chloride. The carriers responsible for the tubular
transport of drugs have a limited capacity, and competition for secretion can
occur between similar organic ions. Anions compete with anions and cations with
cations for transport sites. Clinically significant interactions of this type
usually involve anions since organic cations are generally potent molecules
that are not given in doses high enough to saturate the transport mechanisms.
Examples of drugs that are acidic in nature and which undergo renal
elimination by a shared carrier-mediated transport system include: penicillins;
cephalosporins; probenecid; sulfonamides; acetazolamide; furosemide;
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, phenylbutazone, naproxen,
mefenamic acid and ibuprofen; and phase II drug metabolites such as glucuronic acid,
glycine, and sulfate conjugates. Basic drugs that utilize a tubular
carrier-mediated transport process include procainamide, dopamine,
trimethoprim, triamterene, thiamine and several opioid agents such as morphine
and dihydrocodeine.
interactions associated with biliary excretion seem to be relatively unimportant.
Pharmacological agents that influence hepatic blood flow can impact on the
efficiency of bile production and flow. In addition, enterically active
antimicrobial agents can modify normal enterohepatic cycling by preventing
bacterial hydrolysis of drug conjugates in the gastrointestinal tract.
Interactions: There are many recognized pharmacodynamic
interactions that occur when 2 or more drugs are administered simultaneously.
In many instances the resultant effects are indeed desired and beneficial -
good examples being premedication with neuroleptics prior to induction of
general anesthesia to reduce the dose of the anesthetic (functional
potentiation); the reversal of narcosis with opioid antagonists such as
naloxone (competitive antagonism); the treatment of digitalis overdosage with
propranolol (functional antagonism). However, in some cases the combined
effects of 2 or more drugs may induce or increase toxicity (additive effects or
are simply too many interactions of this nature to review here and only certain
aspects of a few examples are presented.
Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic, nephrotoxic, and may precipitate
acute peripheral vasodilation following IV administration. In addition, they
have a curare-like effect at the neuromuscular junction and exert a negative
inotropic effect on the heart. The ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects are potentiated
by loop diuretics such as furosemide. The neuromuscular and cardiac effects are
potentiated by most general anesthetics, especially halothane and thiopental.
Calcium ions and short-acting acetylcholinesterase antagonists reverse these
latter effects.
Lincomycin, clindamycin, and polymyxins exert a neuromuscular blocking effect,
and care should be taken when any non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent
is used concurrently with these antibiotics.
Tetracycline antibiotics also possess a neuromuscular blocking effect that may
be potentiated by general anesthetics or hypocalcemic states.
The toxicity of cardiac glycosides is enhanced by hypercalcemia,
hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hypothyroidism. Serum concentration and toxicity
of digoxin are increased by co-administration of quinidine; at the same time
the inotropic effects of digoxin are lessened. Coadministration with furosemide
results in elevation of serum digoxin. Propranolol ameliorates cardiac
glycoside intoxication and also lessens the positive inotropic effect
Halothane and methoxyflurane sensitize the myocardium to the arrhythmogenic
effects of catecholomines. Fatal ventricular fibrillation can be reliably
produced by the release or administration of epinephrine in
halothane-anesthetized dogs. Induction of anesthesia with thiobarbiturates
potentiates this effect. Premedication with acepromazine, lidocaine, or
propranolol prevents this dangerous interaction.
Diamidines such as diminazene and phenamidine are inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase.
If an animal is treated with 1 of these antiprotozoal agents soon after being
dipped in an organophosphate insecticide, signs of intoxication may occur.
Succinylcholine, the depolarizing muscle relaxant, is hydrolyzed in vitro by
serum cholinesterases. Organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides inhibit
cholinesterase, thus potentiating succinylcholine's action.
Propranolol, a β receptor blocker, precipitates hypoglycemia in
insulin-dependent diabetics.
The antiarrhythmics, quinidine and procainamide, potentiate the action of
muscle relaxant drugs and may cause recurarization.
Fatal renal failure following the combined use of methoxyflurane and
tetracyclines has been reported.
When amphotericin B and digitalis glycosides are administered concurrently
there is an enhanced potential for cardiac arrhythmias.
Long term use of phenytoin and phenobarbital or primidone leads to cholestatic
Verapamil and propranolol given IV together may cause a high degree of heart
Phenobarbital enhances digoxin toxicity but the mechanism is not understood.
Diphemanil methylsulfate can precipitate fatal ventricular fibrillation in
thiamylal-anesthetized dogs.
lesions in major organ systems, or pathophysiological changes within body
fluids, can substantially alter both the pharmacokinetic fate and the
pharmacological action of many drugs. However, the potential influence of the
disease state on the fate and action of drug administered to sick animals is
rarely taken into account during the therapeutic management of cases. This is
understandable simply because there is a dearth of experimental and clinical
data to serve as a basis for rational dosage adjustments in the presence of
pathological states. The clinical approach must still be empirical in this
regard. Nevertheless, there are several pathological conditions that are known
to modify drug action in a number of species, especially in man.
Disease: Several conditions may alter the absorption rates of
orally administered drugs. Increased, decreased, or even unpredictable
absorption patterns may be evident, depending on the lesions and
pathophysiological changes present. The presence of the following disease
conditions or clinical signs could well be responsible for deviations in the
usual drug absorption processes - and the possibility should always be taken
into account when treating such cases.
(many causes), Gastritis, Gastric ulceration, Achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria,
Ruminoreticular stasis, Ruminal lactacidosis, Ruminitis, Diarrhea (many
causes), Enteritis (many forms), Duodenal ulceration, Steatorrhea, Pancreatic
disorders, Other malabsorption syndromes, Ileus, Gastrointestinal obstructions,
Ulcerative colitis, Peritonitis,
Post-laparotomy, Gatrotomy or enterotomy.
Disease: Either acute or chronic liver disease can alter the
disposition and elimination of many drugs. There are also several
pharmacokinetic determinants that may be affected by lesions associated with
hepatic disease. The most important facets of drug disposition and elimination
affected by liver disease are the following:
impairment of the activity of drug-metabolizing enzyme systems due to
hepatocyte damage;
limitation of the efficiency of the hepatobiliary secretory system due to
hepatocellular failure;
changes in hepatic blood flow, particularly in circulatory shock, cirrhosis,
and portal-systemic venous shunting;
reduced synthesis of plasma proteins, especially albumin, and alteration in
their drug-binding capacity;
development of ascites and peripheral edema with consequent enlargement of the
volume of distribution for many drugs and resultant prolongation of their
elimination half-lives.
the influence of hepatic dysfunction on the kinetic fate of agents that usually
undergo biotransformation, the reduced metabolic transformation of those drugs
whose systemic bioavailability is generally restricted by first-pass metabolism
may be sufficient that serious toxic effects occur very quickly.
disease states may impact on the liver's role in drug clearance. Examples
include viral, bacterial, and toxic hepatitis; various hepatopathies; cirrhosis
due to a number of causes; Liver abscessation; and derangements (congenital and
acquired) in the circulation of blood through the liver. In treating cases with
impaired hepatic blood flow or function, it is often necessary to reduce the
doses of drugs used that are usually metabolically transformed, and to increase
the intervals between doses in order to avoid excessive systemic
concentrations. The responses should be carefully monitored clinically.
Disease: If urinary excretion is an important route of
elimination, renal failure results in decreased drug clearance and thus slower
removal of the drug from the body. A usual dosage regimen in such cases will
lead to accumulation and, ultimately, to toxicity. In addition, animals with
renal insufficiency often react abnormally to a number of drugs, irrespective
of the alterations in elimination. This increased sensitivity may be due to
changes in plasma protein binding, increased receptor responsiveness,
derangements of acid-base balance, uremia, hyper- and hypokalemia, hyper- and
hyponatremia, dehydration, etc.
A number
of disturbances may take place within the failing kidney, all of which may
influence in 1 way or another the excretion and renal clearance of drugs.
Changes in the pH of the filtrate will also alter the excretion rates of drugs
with appropriate pKa values. Renal ischemia, glomerular lesions, tubular
damage, impaired intrarenal perfusion, functional disabilities of the tubular
cells, and obstructive lesions in the tubules, collecting ducts, and ureters
may all influence the effective renal clearance of drugs and/or their
metabolites. The slower removal of the drug from the body will result in
accumulation and increased likelihood of toxicity if administration according
to the usual dosage regimen is followed. Drugs such as aminoglycosides,
penicillins, cephalosporins, colistin, tetracyclines (except doxycycline),
sulfonamides, nitrofurantoin, 1, 5 -fluorocytosine, methotrexate,
procainamide, methenamine, digoxin, and
barbiturates are examples of agents that are wholly or largely eliminated by
the kidney. Adjustment of dosage is necessary when using these drugs in
patients with renal insufficiency.
are several approaches to establishing a dose schedule. First, if feasible, a
regimen may be individualized for a particular patient. Actual plasma concentrations
may be used to control drug therapy and the kinetic parameters discussed
earlier can be calculated to determine optimal dose rates and frequencies.
Second, when an agent has a fairly wide therapeutic index, halving the standard
dose or doubling the usual dosage interval should be sufficient in uremic
patients to maintain therapeutic plasma levels without serious danger of
accumulation. Finally, when potentially toxic drugs, such as gentamicin,
kanamycin, and other aminoglycosides, cephaloridine, sulfonamides, digoxin, and
some antineoplastic agents are administered and renal insufficiency is present,
more refined modification of dosage regimens is necessary.
both renal clearance and the renal fractional rate constant are directly
proportional to creatinine clearance, one approach is to calculate the fraction
of the normal dose to be given at the usual dosage interval:
x Cl cr (Patient)
D(ri) = -----------------------
D(ri) is the dose in the presence of
renal insufficiency
D is
the usual maintenance dose, and
is the creatinine clearance.
the dose may be kept constant and the dosage intervals increased:
x Clcr(normal)
T(ri) =-------------------------
T(ri) is the dosage interval in the
presence of renal disease and
T is
the usual dosage interval
term I/serum creatinine (mg/dL) has been substituted for the creatinine
clearance ratios when these were not obtainable. However, in man, the
relationship between t 1/2 and serum creatinine is not linear above the value
of 4 mg/dL. Thus the formulas may be somewhat less reliable at higher serum
creatinine levels.
and Drug-Protein Binding: In a number of pathological states, a
decrease in the plasma protein binding of drugs, usually acids, is observed.
This may be due to many factors related either to the protein or to the drug or
to the binding conditions. A decrease in the extent of drug plasma protein
binding does not invariably lead to enhanced drug effects.
will alter the binding capacity of many drugs. Common clinical conditions
associated with hypoalbuminaemia, including aging, burns, neoplasia, cardiac
failure, protein-losing enteropathy, inflammatory diseases, injury, liver disease,
nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, and nutritional deficiency. Conditions
resulting in the modification of the albumin compartment volume may also lead
to discrepancies in the anticipated distribution of drugs. The predominant
disease states resulting in sequestration of plasma proteins in the interstitial
compartment include inflammatory states, pregnancy, septic shock, cardiogenic
shock, and pulmonary edema.
several disease conditions there is decreased affinity of drugs for plasma
albumin. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, including the
release of endogenous binding inhibitors and the presence of Metabolic
acidosis. The pathological states associated with decreased affinity of drugs
for albumin include liver disease, chronic renal failure with uremia, the
nephrotic syndrome, malnutrition, and cardiac failure.
plasma protein binding of basic drugs differs somewhat from acidic drugs, which
bind largely to albumin. Basic drugs interact with a number of plasma
constituents including α-acid glycoprotein (an acute phase protein),
lipoprotein, and albumin. Whereas the trend for albumin is almost always to
decrease in concentration, α-acid glycoprotein and lipoprotein show large
fluctuations due to physiological and pathological conditions. Associated with
changes in the plasma levels of these specific proteins, both decreases and
increases in the binding of basic drugs have been recorded.
Disease: Cardiovascular insufficiency, due to either cardiac
failure or circulatory shock, is often associated with disturbances in cardiac
output, autonomic nervous system activity, central and systemic venous
pressures, and sodium and water metabolism. These disturbances may in turn
influence the extent and pattern of tissue perfusion and may lead to tissue
hypoxia and visceral congestion. Gastrointestinal motility may also be altered.
Cardiac failure potentially affects the disposition of drugs, which may then
necessitate adjustment in dosage regimens for optimum therapy. However, no ready
guidelines are available.
few special features need emphasis. Redistribution of the cardiac output to
preserve blood flow to the heart and brain will lead to a diminished volume of
distribution as well as decreased renal and hepatic perfusion with resultant
delay in drug elimination. Both of these factors will tend to lead to increased
plasma levels of any parenterally administered drug. Splanchnic
vasoconstriction encountered in shock will delay the gastrointestinal
absorption of any orally administered agent.
cases of congestive heart failure with marked ascites and dependent edema, the
accumulated fluid may or may not represent a distribution compartment. If it
does, the total weight of the animal can be used to calculate a dose rate,
provided there is not a concurrent rapid loss of the fluid due to appropriate
therapy. Moreover, in such cases, hypoalbuminemia and reduced binding capacity
are often features that could alter the normal distribution patterns of a drug.
As a
general rule, when cardiovascular dysfunction is present, loading doses should
be conservative and continued therapy monitored closely either by watching for
clinical signs of overdosage or by measuring plasma levels of the drugs being
Disease: Acute hypoxemia appears to decrease intrinsic hepatic
clearance while chronic hypoxia appears to increase intrinsic clearance. The
free fraction of some basic drugs is decreased in plasma taken from patients
suffering from chronic hypoxemia. Blood gas disturbances also can affect drug
disposition by decreasing hepatic and renal perfusion.
appears that respiratory disease can significantly change drug disposition
through a number of interacting mechanisms. These nave not been adequately
studied to provide a basis for clinical dosage adjustment. Drugs showing
flow-dependent hepatic clearance (e.g., lidocaine, meperidine, propoxyphene)
and those with predominantly renal clearance (e.g., aminoglycosides, digoxin)
should be used with caution when respiratory disease is present. Theophylline
doses should also be reduced on an empirical basis.
Disturbances: A large number of neurological disorders
may potentially alter the effect of many drugs - both those with CNS activity
as well as several that do not normally act within the CNS. Clearly
lesion-induced changes in CNS functions will influence an animal's response to
CNS depressant agents. Moreover, in the presence of meningoencephalitis many
drugs that do not normally do so may penetrate the blood-brain barrier producing
unusual effects, e.g., penicillin G may act as a convulsant. Damage to
autonomic or vital medullary centers may also influence the response of
specific target tissues to either stimulant or depressant drugs. In idiopathic
canine epilepsy and epileptiform conditions in general, phenothiazine
neuroleptics can precipitate seizures and should not be used as tranquilizers
or for premedication prior to general anesthesia in affected animals.
Pathological States: Several other pathological states may
influence either the pharmacokinetic fate or the pharmacodynamic effects of a
number of specific drugs. A selection of these are presented to emphasize the
significant impact that disease conditions can have on drug action.
Anemia: Tissues may be hyper- or hyporesponsive when anemia and
hypoxemia are present. The myocardium may become especially sensitive to the
action of positive inotropic and chronotropic agents. Biotransformation and
excretion processes can also be seriously disrupted.
Toxemia: The disposition
and elimination of many drugs as well as their toxicity may become altered in
toxemic states.
Electrolyte disturbances: Even minor deviations from the normal
electrolyte values in plasma can lead to significant changes in the response
to certain drugs, hypocalcemia as well as hypo- and hyperkalemia being prime
examples. The digitalis glycosides are much more toxic in the presence of
Acid-base derangements: Alkalosis often enhances the response
of excitable tissue to provocative drugs. Conversely, systemic acidosis tends
to depress the reactions of excitable tissue such as nerves, skeletal muscle,
the myocardium, and smooth muscle. Tissue acidosis limits the diffusibility of
many local anesthetics to their site of action. The bactericidal action of the
aminoglycoside antibiotics is less efficient in the presence of acidosis.
Systemic acidotic states also tend to change the plasma protein binding of
drugs. The pH of the urine can change during acid-base derangements with
subsequent alterations in the usual renal excretion rates of many of those
drugs with appropriate pKa values.
Endocrine and metabolic disturbances: Several endocrine and
metabolic derangements may be exacerbated by the administration of exogenous
agents. For example, incipient diabetes mellitus may be precipitated by the
administration of glucocorticoids and by the progestogen, megesterol acetate.
Hyperthyroidism often increases the responsiveness of an animal to a variety of
drugs and such cases should be managed very carefully.
Impaired immunocompetence: When, for whatever reason, host
defense systems are not fully functional, the successful clinical use of
several antimicrobial drugs is placed in jeopardy. This is especially true for
the bacteriostatic group of agents.
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