This is the study of drug effects (biochemical and physiological effects) and
their mechanisms of actions. It attempts to elucidate the complete action –
effect sequence and the dose – effect relationship. Modification of the effects
of the one drug by another drug and by other factors is also a part of
Action of drug: It
is the process by which the chemical agents induce a change in pre-exisiting
physiological functions or biochemical processes of the living organisms.
Effect of the drug:
The series of events occurring after drug actions called as effects of drugs.
Bio-phase / Site of action: It
is the location in the body or outside where the produces its effect.
do not produce different actions in the body; rather, they protect or modify
existing general or specific cellular functions, which usually return to their
predosage states when the drug is removed. A thorough understanding of the
biochemical and physiological effects induced by drugs is essential for their
rational use.
agents may be applied either topically (externally) or used systemically
(internally). They may then exert either a local or a general effect. The
tissue responses produced may be immediate or delayed and can be due to the
unchanged drug itself or to one or more of its metabolites. In addition, the
desired therapeutic effect may result from a direct action on a target organ,
or from a response elicited in another part of the body with indirect
beneficial consequences for the affected organ.
drug's effects may lead to an increase in cellular or tissue responsiveness (Stimulation) or may limit or depress
cellular functions (Inhibition). A
biphasic reaction is possible in which initial stimulation is followed by
depression. This type of response is, quite commonly observed when CNS
depressants are used. Some drugs produce a nonselective, often noxious effect
and is particularly applied to less specialized cells viz., epithelium,
connective tissue (irritation). Mild
irritation may stimulate associated function e.g. bitters increase salivary
secretion and gastric secretion; counter irritants increase blood flow to the
site. But strong irritation results in inflammation, corrosion, necrosis and
morphological damage. This may result in diminution or loss of function. The
therapeutic effect sought from some agents is the actual destruction of cells (cytotoxicity) - either of the host
(e.g., corrosives, blisters, antineoplastic agents) or of invading pathogens
(e.g., antimicrobial agents, anthelmintics, external parasiticides). Certain
pharmaceutical preparations may contain hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals,
or electrolytes that are needed to correct deficiency states brought on by the
lack of such endogenous substances. Such replacement
therapy may also be appropriate for disease conditions in which there is
an intrinsic lack of a neurotransmitter (e.g., the use of DOPA as a dopamine
precursor to treat Parkinsonism in man).
drugs employed in veterinary medicine fall into 2 broad general categories
viz., pharmacodynamic and chemotherapeutic.
Pharmacodynamic agents are
those drugs that exert their actions directly on the host in one way or another
to bring about the desired beneficial effects.
Chemotherapeutic agents
produce toxic effects in pathogenic organisms or neoplastic cells without
producing undue harm to the host. However, many chemotherapeutic drugs also
possess pharmacodynamic properties, particularly at higher dosage levels.
sites of action vary considerably for the various classes of drugs used
therapeutically. Many produce effects in the extracellular fluids as well as on
cutaneous and mucosal surfaces without any direct involvement with the cellular
constituents of the body. Some drugs affect cellular functions through interactions
with constituents of cell membranes, thereby altering the membrane's
permeability characteristics and functions. Finally, drugs may also act
intracellularly on very specific macromolecular structures bringing about their
typical effects. Membrane and intracellular sites of drug action (receptors)
are mainly composed of protein subunits arranged in a highly stereospecific
of Drug action
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mechanisms of drug action Cellular
mechanisms of drug action
Physical effects 1.
Physico-chemical and bio-physical mechanisms
Chemical reactions 2.
Modification of cell membrane structure and function
Physico-chemical mechanisms 3.Mechanisms
associated with neurohumoral transmission
Modification of composition of 4.
Mechanisms associated with enzyme inhibition
body fluids. 5.
Regulatory molecule activation / inhibition through receptor mediated effects
Noncellular Mechanisms of Drug Action:
Drug reactions that occur extracellularly and that involve noncellular
constituents include the following:
Physical Effects: A
physical property of the drug is responsible for its action, e.g.:
Mass of the drug - bulk laxatives (bran), protectives
Adsorptive property - Charcoal, kaolin
Osmotic activity - mag. Sulphate, mannitol
Radioactivity - Radioisotopes 131 I
Radioopacity -
Barium sulfate, urografin.
Chemical Reactions: A
number of drugs produce their effects through a chemical union with an
endogenous or foreign substance. Examples include the inactivation of heparin (an organic acid) by protamine (an organic base); the chelation of lead by calcium disodium
edentate; neutralization of hvdrochloric
acid in the stomach by antacids such as aluminum hydroxide or sodium
bicarbonate; treatment of alkali poisoning with weak acids; the conversion of
hemoglobin to methaemoglobin by nitrites for the treatment of cyanide
poisoning; the binding of bile salts in the intestinal tract by cholestyramine
and colestipol; the precipitation of
protein by astringents on the skin surface; and oxidation reactions initiated by certain antiseptics and
Physicochemical Mechanisms:
Certain drugs act by altering the physicochemical or biophysical properties of
specific fluids or even components of cells. Examples of compounds that bring
about physicochcmical changes in fluids include the surface-active agents or surfactants. Surfactants reduce the interfacial
tension between 2 immiscible phases because their molecules contain 2
localized regions, 1 being hydrophilic and the other hydrophobic in nature.
Detergents or emulsifiers, antifoaming agents, and several antiseptics and
disinfectants possess surfactant properties.
Modification of the Composition of Body
Fluids: Several therapeutic manipulations involve the
administration of substances that, because of their intrinsic physicochemical
properties, exert osmotic effects across particular cellular membranes.
Examples of osmotically active agents used in this manner include magnesium
sulfate as an osmotic purgative, mannitol as an osmotic diuretic, hypertonic
poultice applied on the skin, and the use of dextran 40 and dextran 70 as
plasma-volume expanders. In addition, acid-base and electrolyte derangements,
which occur in the extracellular fluid in many disease syndromes, may be
corrected by the appropriate and judicious use of various electrolyte
solutions. Also, acidifying or alkalinizing salts may be administered to alter
the pH of the urine for specific therapeutic purposes.
Cellular Mechanisms of Drug Action:
Most of the responses elicited by drugs take place at the cellular level and
involve either functional constituents or more commonly, specific biochemical
Physicochemical and Biophysical
Mechanisms: As noted above, certain drugs appear to act by altering
the physicochemical or biophysical characteristics of specific components of
cells. Examples include the effect of general inhalant anesthetics on the lipid
matrix, and perhaps the hydrophobic proteins in neuronal membranes within the
CNS. The purported ability of some of these same anesthetic agents to induce
the formation of clathrates (molecules with erected crystal-like structures)
within neurons would represent another example of a biophysical mechanism of
drug action.
Modification of Cell Membrane Structure
and Function: A variety of drugs may influence either the
structure or specific functional components of cell membranes and thereby
initiate their characteristic effects. These mechanisms of action may also
involve enzyme systems or receptor-mediated reactions. A few examples will
serve to illustrate how cell membranes can represent a site of action. Local
anesthetics bind to components of the sodium channels in excitable membranes
and prevent depolarization. Calcium channel blockers, e.g. verapamil,
nifedipine, diltiazem, inhibit the entry of calcium into cells or its
mobilization from intracellular stores. Insulin facilitates the transport of
glucose into cells. Neurotransmitters characteristically increase or decrease
sodium ion permeability of the excitable membranes that are in opposition to
their sites of release and thereby either stimulate or inhibit neurotransmission,
respectively. Polyene antifungal antibiotics disrupt the sterol component of
fungal cell membranes and lead to loss of integrity and fatal cell leakage.
Mechanisms associated with Neurohumaral
transmission: A number of drugs interfere in one way or
another either with the synthesis, release, effects, or re-uptake of
neurotransmitters. Once again, enzyme – and / or receptor-mediated effects may
be responsible for the response that occurs. For example, reserpine blocks the
transport system of adrenergic storage granules, while amphetamine displaces
norepinephrine from axonal terminals. Botulinum toxin prevents the release of
acetylcholine from cholinergic terminals, and bretylium inhibits the release of
norepinephrine from adrenergic terminals. A large number of drugs can also
selectively stimulate or block neurotransmitter receptor sites.
Enzyme Inhibition:
Certain drugs exert their effects by inhibiting the activity of specific
enzyme systems either in the host animal or in invading pathogens. This
inhibition may be of a competitive (with normal substrate) or noncompetiitive
nature. Noncompetitive enzyme inhibition may be reversible or irreversible.
Allosteric inhibition is also possible when the drug influences enzymatic
function by interacting with a part of the enzyme remote from its usual active
site. There are a large number of examples of drug action mediated through the
inhibition of various enzyme systems. Only a selection of enzymes and drugs
that inhibit them are noted here - just to illustrate the diversity of this
type of drug action:
Acetylcholinesterase -
Organophoaphateinhibitors (irreversible)
Na+, K+ - ATPase -
Digitalis glycosides
Phosphodiesterase -
anhydrase -
Cyclo-oxgenase -
enzyme -
oxidase -
K sensitive enzymes for clotting factor synthesis - Warfarin and other
enzymes -
Aminocaproic acid
β- hydroxylase in corticosteroid biosynthesis -
kinase (Viral) -
(bacterial) -
Beta lactam antibiotics
synthetase (bacterial) -
dependent RNA polymerase (bacterial) -
synthetase (fungal) -
Flucytosine metabolite
reductase (protozoal) -
Regulatory Molecule Activation or
Inhibition Through Receptor-Mediated Effects: Besides the ability
of certain drugs to react with enzymes and to interfere with their function, it
is also possible for drugs to interact with another set of very specific
cellular proteins, commonly known as receptors.
are specific macromolecular components of the cell that regulate critical
functions like enzyme activity, permeability, structural features, etc. These
macromolecules or the sites on them bind and interact with the drug. Receptors
are situated on the surface / inside the effector cell and specific agonists
bind to them to initiate the characteristic response. Receptors may either be
located on the cell membrane or may be present in the cytosol (steroid hormone
receptors mainly). The normal role of receptors initially to interact with
endogenous regulatory ligands (substances that bind to receptors), such as
hormones, neurotransmitters, and autacoids, and thereby to propagate
appropriate signals within the target cell i.e. Signal transduction. The effects may be direct or may depend on the
synthesis and release of other intracellular regulatory molecules, often called
second messengers. These second
messengers then interact with closely associated cellular proteins (protein
kinases) ultimately activating 1 or several enzyme systems, which then finally
initiate the appropriate response. The arrangement constitutes a
receptor-effector system. Receptors with their associated effector and coupling
proteins may also act as integrators of extracellular information for the cell.
Properties of Receptors: It
is extremely difficult to isolate and study receptors obtained from living
cells, but much progress in characterizing these macro-molecules has been made
in recent years. The use of receptor-specific, radio-labeled ligands has added
a great deal to our understanding of receptors. Only a few of the general
functional features of receptors are presented below.
Specificity: A
receptor's specific molecular shape, form and ionic configuration will
determine whether an agonist, or antagonist, with complementary molecular
size, shape and electrical charge, will bind with avidity to the site.
Receptors are responsible for the selectivity of drug action.
Saturability: A
finite number of receptors per cell should be present as revealed by a
saturable binding curve. By adding increasing amounts of the drug, the number
of drug molecules bound should form a plateau at the number of binding sites
The drug should bind to the receptor and then dissociate in its non-metabolised
form. This property distinguishes receptor-drug interactions from
enzyme-substrate interactions.
Number of Receptors:
The number of functional receptors present in a tissue or cell is not
necessarily fixed. Receptors may be induced - for example thyroid hormones
increase the number of β-adrenergic receptors in cardiac muscle (Up-regulation). Certain agonists can
promote a decrease in the number ("down-regulation")
or coupling efficiency of receptors. The long-term use of select antagonists
may actually raise the number of receptors by preventing down-regulation. This
leads to the "overshoot"
phenomenon with exaggerated responses following withdrawal of the drug.
Steroid receptors present in the cytoplasm of target cells are both inducible
and mobile.
Spare Receptors: In
many cases, only a limited percentage of the receptors available need to be
occupied by an agonist in order to produce a maximal response. The extras are
known as spare receptors. It is possible to alter the sensitivity of tissues
that possess spare receptors by changing the receptor's concentration. Agonists
with low affinities are still able to produce maximal responses at low
concentrations when spare receptors are present in the target tissue.
Classification of Receptors: A
number of major receptor types have been identified. Moreover, several
subtypes also have been identified according to ligand affinity as well as by
the actions produced by either agonists or antagonists. These differences
between the responses elicited through various receptor subtypes are
quantitatively selective but are very rarely absolute for either agonists or antagonists. A selection
of receptor types and subtypes that are important clinically is outlined below.
Receptor Type Subtype
Cholinergic Muscarinic M1,
M2, M3, M4 & M5.
Nicotinic Nn
& Nm
Adrenergic Alpha (α) α1
& α2
Beta (β) β1,
β2 & β3
Dopaminergic DA1 & DA2
Serotonergic 5-HT1, 5-HT2
Histaminergic H1 H2 &
Adenosine A1 & A2
mu - μ
kappa - κ
delta - δ
sigma - σ
epsilon - ε
hormones Many
The basic mechanisms through which
ligand-receptor interactions may initiate cellular responses are as
1) Through Ligand gated ion channels:
The receptor proteins themselves may be part of an ion channel across the
plasma membrane. The ion channels open or close in response to a drug-receptor
interaction and thereby change the cell's membrane potential and possibly its
ionic equilibrium. Examples include the receptors for several neurotransmitters
such as acetylcholine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and glycine.
2) Through second messengers:
Membrane proteins may act as receptors for agents that either stimulate or
inhibit the closely associated membrane enzyme, adenylate cyclase. This leads to either an increase or a decrease
in the intracellular concentration of the cyclic nucleotide, cyclic AMP (cAMP). The regulation of
adenylate cyclase activity depends on distinct guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding regulatory proteins (G-proteins).
There are 4 major types of G proteins:
i. Gs – which couples the
stimulatory receptors to adenylate cyclase to increase its activity (e.g.)
adrenoceptors(α1), histamine H1 receptors, and Dopamine D1 receptors.
ii. Gi – which couples the
inhibitory receptors to adenylate cyclase to decrease its activity (e.g.)
adrenoceptors (α2), M2 muscarinic recptors anddopaminergic D2 receptors.
iii. Go – which is thought
tocouple receptors to ion channels and
iv. Gq – which couples
receptors to the activation of phospholipase for production of IP3 (Inositol
tri phosphate) and DAG (Diaceyl glycerol).
Cyclic AMP acts in the cell to stimulate cAMP-dependent protein kinases, which
catalyze in turn the activation of numerous intracellular enzymes, thus
producing the specific effects associated with the endogenous ligand or;
exogenous drug. A number of drug responses are mediated through adenylate
cyclase mechanisms.
B. Stimulation of certain
membrane receptors leads to the formation of inositol-triphosphate (Inos-P3)
and diacylglycerol (DAG) from membrane phospholipid. Inositol triphosphate in
turn leads to the release of calcium from intracellular stores which, in
conjunction with diacylglycerol, activates a distinct protein kinase with
resultant increased specific enzyme activity and responses.
membrane-bound proteins are themselves protein kinases that can be activated by
specific agents (Insulin, Epidermal growth factor, platlet derived growth
factor & other tropic hormones) to produce their effects.
Agonist + Receptor à GDP displacement from
G-protein & GTP replacement à
GTP-G-protein complex à
Regulates the activity of enzymes / ion
channels to produce a response.
C. Oxidative events in some
cells, potentially produced by a variety of pathways, lead to the activation
of guanylate cyclase with consequent elevation of the intracellular
concentration of cyclic GMP (cGMP). This cyclic nucleotide is an activator of
yet another set of protein kinases. Several endogenous and exogenous substances
can modulate cellular levels of cGMP.
Through regulation of Calcium entry: The concentration of
calcium ion plays a major role in the regulation of many intracellular events.
Calcium entry into cells through the plasma membrane is controlled by a
distinct set of receptors. In some cases it is the calcium ion itself that
regulates reactions directly, and in other instances calcium plays a role only
when it is bound to an intracellular calcium-dependent regulatory protein known
as calmodulin (CaM). Calmodulin also controls
several cell functions directly and others through distinct protein kinase
systems. A number of drug reactions have been shown to be mediated through
calcium-dependent mechanisms.
of the plasma membrane or the release of calcium ions may bring about the
activation of membrane-associated phospholipases. This leads to the genesis of
prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and related eicosanoids, which then play a major
role in local cellular regulation. Several drugs may initiate the prostaglandin
cascade in their target tissues - either as a primary effect or because of
cellular disruption.
Through Intracellular receptors: These recptors are located in the
cytoplasm. These are activated by a group of hormones – Steroid hormones, T3
& T4 and Vit-D and their synthetic congeners that are highlylipid soluble
and thus are able to cross the cellular plasma membrane. The steroid ligands
bind with a measurable affinity to the cytoplasmic receptor protein and form
stroid – receptor complex. Following some modification, the steroid-receptor
complex is converted to a form that is translocated to the nucleus, where
binding of the steroid-protein complex to chromatin occurs. As a result,
specific mRNA and proteins (enzymes) are synthesized, which then lead to the
characteristic steroid-hormone-induced effects for the particular tissue. All
steroid hormones used as drugs exert their primary effects through this
mechanism. Here the response time may range from minutes to hours because new
proteins must be synthesized. Effects
may persist for hours to days.
are capable of either stimulating or inhibiting receptor-mediated effects
provided their molecular structure is analogous, at least in part, to the
physiological ligands that usually interact with specific receptors. This is
the basis of modern receptor theory.
drugs are effective in extremely low concentrations and generally elicit very
predictable responses that are dependent upon the concentration of the drug at
the receptor sites. These reactions are usually mediated through the
interaction of the drug with specific macromolecules (receptors) in the target
cell activating or inhibiting 1 or more of the various mechanisms discussed
above. Only the basic tenets of modem receptor theory, as they apply to
clinical pharmacology, are briefly reviewed here to provide a foundation for
the understanding of drug action and reactions.
Nature of Drug Receptor Interactions:
The selective action of a drug depends on its combination with a specific set
of receptors. The receptor sites are almost invariably composed of proteins.
They may be regulatory proteins, enzymes, transport proteins, and even
structural proteins in rare cases. Drug-receptor interactions are usually
reversible and are governed by the Law of Mass Action schematically represented
as follows:
+ Drug ---------à Drug-Receptor complex
binding of drugs to receptors may involve all types of molecular interactions
- Van der Waals forces, hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen, dipole, ionic,
and covalent bonds.
– High energy; cannot be broken; drug-receptor interaction is considered to be
irreversible. Recovery from drug exposure usually depends on the body producing
new receptors.
– Medium energy; occur between opposite charges; can act over a great distance;
reversible; may be involved in attracting the drug to the receptor and lining
it up properly prior to actual docking.
bond - Medium energy; occur when two molecules share a hydrogen
atom. Usually between aminoacids with the H+ being shared between nitrogen (N)
residue on one and an oxygen (O) residue on the other.
der Waals bond – When drug and receptor are in close
proximity a dipole is induced in the non-polar regions that are closest. Each
induced dipole has + and – charges that are attracted to the opposite charges
in the other molecule’s dipole. Very weak, but may be many dipoles that
interact, increasing drug-receptor specificity greatly.
Hydrophobic bond –
Weak bonds between highly fat soluble (hydrophobic) regions of drug and
receptor; these weak bonds are usually involved in very selective drug-receptor
Bond Energy Bond Type
High N=C Covalent
N~O-C Ionic
N-H…O=C Hydrogen
Low C-H H-N Van der walls
receptor proteins, drugs may also become bound in a similar fashion to other
proteins. However, in these cases, no pharmacodynamic response is initiated
("silent receptors"). Examples of such drug acceptors include
plasmaproteins, intracellular proteins, and membrane protein fractions. These
macromolecules represent sites of drug loss or storage.
that are capable of reacting with specific receptors and which then produce a
defined response are said to possess affinity as well as intrinsic activity
and are termed "agonists".
On the other hand, certain drugs are capable of combining with the same
receptor complex, thus possessing affinity, but they lack intrinsic activity
and no response occurs. These agents are termed pharmacological "antagonists". Antagonists may act
in several different ways. It is also possible for some drugs to interact with
the same receptors as a full agonist but the response may be limited and less
than maximal. These agents then possess affinity for the receptor but only
intermediate activity and are termed "partial
agonists". Finally, there are some special drugs that at certain
concentrations act as agonists on 1 type of receptor population but as
antagonists on other subsets of the receptor. These agents are known as "agonist-antagonists". Some of the
drugs produce exactly opposite effect as seen with pure agonists, by acting on
the same receptors and are called as “Inverse
Properties of Agonists:
Several typical properties of receptor agonists require further definition. The
affinity of a ligand (drug or endogenous substance) for a receptor is a measure
of its capacity to bind to the receptor. Affinity may vary greatly between
agonists (as well as antagonists).
Intrinsic activity is
a measure of the ability of the agonist-receptor complex to initiate the
observed biological response. A full agonist has an intrinsic activity value
(α) of 1.
Maximal efficacy reflects
the upper limit of the dose-response relationship without toxic effects being
evident. Agonists differ from each other in this regard.
refers to the range of concentrations over which an agonist produces
increasing responses. Highly potent drugs produce their effects at lower
concentrations and this may impart an advantage to their clinical use, provided
the increase in potency is not accompanied by an increase in toxicity.
Selectivity and specificity:
Few agonists are so specific that they interact only with a single subtype of
receptor. However, several agonists (and antagonists) do show evidence of
selectivity for certain subpopulations of receptors.
Structure-activity relationships (SAR):
The affinity of an agonist (or antagonist) for a receptor as well as the
agonist's intrinsic activity are intimately related to the chemical structure
of the drug. The relationship is usually quite stringent and minor
modifications in the drug molecule can result in significant differences in its
pharmacological properties. Often, congeners of a parent drug molecule are
developed for therapeutic use because of advantages in their therapeutic
effects or reductions in the incidence of toxicity.
Drug-receptor theories:
Whatever its actual nature, the conformational change that occurs when a
receptor is occupied by an agonist is only 1 of several steps necessary for the
expression of a full pharmacological response. The transduction process between
occupancy of receptors and the drug response is called "coupling".
Receptor-effector coupling is influenced by the ionic environment, several
coupling factors, and the receptor itself. A number of theories have been
advanced to explain how agonist-receptor interactions lead to effective
receptor-effector coupling and the specific pharmacological response observed.
1. Occupancy theory:
This is proposed by Clark (1937) after he
studied the quantitative aspects of drug action. This theory is based on the
Law of Mass action i.e. the drug action based on occupation of receptors by
specific drugs and that the pace of a cellular function can be altered by
interaction of these receptors with drugs. This theory postulated
The intensity of response is directly proportional to the fraction of acceptors
occupied by a drug and maximal response occurs when all receptors are occupied.
Drugs exert an "all or none" action on each receptor, i.e. either a
receptor is fully activated or not at all there is no partial activation and
A drug and its receptor have complementary structural features and stand in
rigid "Lock and kev" relationship.
theory gave the fundamental concept but the postulates were later found to be
only partially correct and need to be modified.
2. Rate theory:
This is introduced by W.D.M.Paton at 1961. This suggested that agonist action
depended on the rate of agonist - receptor association and / or dissociation
and this in turn decides the magnitude of drug effects. Paton suggested that
the rate of receptor occupation rises sharply to start with, reaches a peak
and then there is a fall to steady state
or equilibrium or the phenomenon of fade. This theory explains many aspects of
the time-course of drug ejects.
3. Induced fit theory:
This proposes that in the process of agonist - receptor interaction, a
conformational change occurs that generates the active receptor site.
4. Perturbation theory:
This differentiates between specific conformationaI chages indued by agonists
Vs nonspecific perturbations produced by antagonists.
5. Activation - Aggregation theory:
This proposes that receptors exist in dynamic equilibrium between different
functional states and that agonists shift the equilibrium towards the activated
form the receptor.
Properties of Antagonists:
Many receptor antagonists are used therapeutically. However, a number of
different forms of drug antagonism occur that need to be understood because of
direct clinical implications.
Competitive antagonists
combine reversibly with the same receptor site as agonists and progressively
inhibit the response to agonists. Competitive antagonists may even possess
greater affinity for the receptor site than pure agonists. Typically, the
blockade can be overcome by increasing the concentration of the agonist in the biophase.
Noncompetitive antagonists may
act reversibly, or, more commonly, irreversibly. Characteristically, high
concentrations of agonist cannot completely overcome the antagonism and a
maximal response cannot be produced. Several types of noncompetitive antagonism
are recognized. The binding may occur to the same receptor producing blockade.
If covalent bonds are formed, receptor inhibition becomes permanent and the de novo synthesis of receptors is
required for complete reversal of the antagonist's effects. This form of irreversible
noncompetitive antagonism is encountered with some organophosphates and
cholinergic receptors. Binding of noncompetitive antagonists to a different
part of a receptor macromolecule may lead to deformation of the active receptor
site leading to a diminution in the affinity for the usual agonists. This
effect is similar to allosteric inhibition of enzymes. Antagonists may also
bind to an extrareceptor area in a membrane but, because of their molecular
configuration, may obscure the receptor sites for 1 or more agonists. The
phenothiazine neuroleptics appear to be multipotent receptor blockers of this
Physiological or functional antagonists
are, in fact, agonists that elicit physiological responses that directly oppose
those of the first drug administered, by stimulating a different class of
receptors. Examples of physiological antagonism include the reversal of
histamine's effects (histaminergic receptors) by epinephrine (adrenergic
receptors) and the stimulation of intestinal smooth muscle by acetylcholine
(cholinergic receptors) following its inhibition by nor-epinephrine (adrenergic
Properties of Partial Agonists and
Agonist-Antagonists: Partial agonists produce a lower than
maximal response at full receptor occupancy notwithstanding high receptor
affinities in many cases. They will also act as competitive antagonists in the
presence of pure agonists. Nalorphine and pentazocine are partial agonists used
in veterinary medicine. Agonist-antagonists that are used clinically include
the opioid analgesics that possess selective affinity and intrinsic activity
for certain of the opioid receptor types but act as competitive antagonists at
others, thus reducing some of the undesirable features of full opioid agonists.
Butorphanol and nalbuphine are regarded as opioid agonist-antagonists.
Dose-Response Relationships
response to a drug varies according to its dosage i.e. the magnitude of the
drug effect is a function of the dose administered. The relation between the
responses produced by different doses is expressed by graphical representation
called dose response curves. Two forms of dose-response curves are recognized:
1.Graded response & 2.Quantal response
1. Graded dose response: It
is the one in which the target tissue or even patient shows a progressively
greater response with increasing doses of drug, ultimately reaching the maximum
response. A plotted graph of a graded response is hyperbola on a linear scale
and a sigmoid curve on semi-logarithmic scale. Graded dose response curve gives
the relation between dose of the drug and intensity of the response in a single
biological unit.
curve depicts the
1) Threshold dose -
The minimum dose at which observable changes arc noticed.
2) Ceiling dose -
The minimum dose producing the maximal response and any further increase in the
dose above the ceiling dose will not increase the level of response.
3) Potency –
this refers to the dose (concentration) of a drug needed to produce an effect
smaller the dose to produce the effect, the greater the potency. Potency is not
an important property of a drug, provided the dosage form of the drug can be
conveniently administered. If two drugs have similar pharmacological
activities, the more potent drug is not necessarily the drug of choice. Consideration
must also be given to other factors such as side effects, toxicities, cost and
duration of action.
4) Slope -
It is of both practical and theoretical importance. Slope represents the change
in response to the change in dose of drugs. Drugs that have steep DRCs are
potentially more difficult to use because small increase in the dose may
produce toxity. Drugs that act on common receptor have DRCs with parallel
5) Variability -
The Variability in the response can be related to the variation in dosage.
6) Maximal effect -
is the maximum response possible for the effector.
dose response curve is considered as a plot of efficacy Vs drug concentration.
By plotting this we can calculate:
EC50: The drug
concentration at which 50% efficacy is attained. The lower the EC50, the more
potent the drug.
Emax: The maximum
attained biological response out of the drug.
2. Quantal dose response:
This is also known as All or none response. In this, the target tissue or
patient, reacts either maximally or to a specific end point with in the
therapeutic dose range. This represents the % response of animals in a group of
population to the doses of the drug. The quantal D-R curve relates dose to an
expression of the frequency with which any dose of the drug produces an all or
none pharmacologic effect.
animal receiving a dosage is categorized as responding / non-responding. The % responding to each dose are recorded
(i.e. % alive, % dead, % responded or % not responded). These quantal responses
(%) when plotted against log doses they do not show a linear regression.
However when % is transformed into probits, the relationship becomes linear.
This type of curve is used for estimating ED50/LD50 values of a drug.
DRC is a graph of discrete (yes/no) values, plotting the number of subjects
attaining the condition (such as death or cure from disease) vs drug conccntration.
ED50 - The drug dosage at
which 50% of the population attains the desired characteristic.
LD50 - The drug dosage at
which 50% of the population is killed by a drug.
Therapeutic index: It
is the ratio used to evaluate the safety of the drug. TI = LD50 / ED50. Larger
the TI, the safer the drug. i.e. the higher dose is required for lethality,
compared to the dose required to be effective. However, if the LD50 and ED50
curves are not parallel, the TI may be misleading.
Margin of safety:
This is the ratio of dosage required to kill 1% population, compared to the
dosage i.e. effective in 99% of population. Margin of safety = LD1/ED99.
Standard safety margin: It
is the per cent by which the ED99 must be increased before an LD1 is reached.
= [(LD1- ED99) / ED99] x 100
Therapeutic ratios are
also useful indices of drug safety but in this case the steepness of the dose
response curves are taken into consideration. Therapeutic ratios are often
calculated by dividing the LD25 by the ED75.
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