Pharmacological terms used for drugs acting on various systems
1. Drugs acting on mouth and salivary glands a. Sialogogues / Sialics : These are drugs which increase the secretion of saliva. They may act either directly upon the gland or their secreting nerves or may act reflexly. i. Direct sialogogues : Eg. Pilocarpine, Physostigmine. ii. Reflexly acting sialogogues : Eg. Alcohol, Acids, Bitters and Aromatics. Through sensory nerve ending in the mouth or through the stomach. Eg. Ipecacuanha, Antimony. b. Antisialics : are drugs which diminish the secretion of saliva. i. By paralysing secretary nerve endings. Eg. Atropine ii. Acting by decreasing irritation of the buccal mucous membrane. Eg. Demulcents – are substances which have the...