Strychnine Poisoning
Strychnine Poisoning
Strychnine is a bitter indole alkaloid
obtained from the seeds of the Indian tree Strychnos nux-vomica and Strychnos ignatii.. These vine-like trees are indigenous to some
southeast Asian countries and northern Australia. All parts of S. nux-vomica
and S. ignatii may contain strychnine and brucine (dimethoxystrychnine),
a related but less potent alkaloid.
Dried seeds from S. nux-vomica have been used to make extracts,
powders, and tinctures of strychnine alkaloid. These preparations have been
used as bitters, cathartics, tonics, stimulants, and ruminatorics in the past,
but now their use is considered ineffective and dangerous. The strychnine content of the
dried seeds usually varies from 1% to 2%. Strychnine-containing baits are
mostly used to poison birds, gophers, mice, moles, rats, rabbits, porcupines,
and wild carnivores such as coyotes, foxes, and wolves. Bait pellets or
strychnine-laced grains are usually dyed green or red. Strychnine
is highly toxic to most domestic animals. Its oral LD50 in dogs,
cattle, horses, and pigs is between 0.5-1 mg/kg, and in cats is 2 mg/kg.
Malicious or accidental strychnine poisoning, occurs mainly in small animals,
especially dogs and occasionally cats, and rarely in livestock. Malicious or accidental strychnine poisoning cases
have been described in several animal species.
Strychnine is ionized in an acidic
pH and then rapidly and completely absorbed in the small intestine. It is
metabolized in the liver by microsomal enzymes. In vitro studies indicate that cytochrome P-450
monooxygenase is the predominant metabolic enzyme involved and that
strychnine-N-oxide is the major metabolite. Strychnine does not appear to
concentrate in nervous tissues. The highest concentration
of strychnine is found in the blood, liver, or kidney. Strychnine and its
metabolites are excreted in the urine. About
10% to 20% of the parent compound appears unchanged in the urine within 24
hours. Depending on the quantity ingested and treatment measures taken, most
of the toxic dose is eliminated within 24-48 hr. The approximate lethal dose in dogs and cats is 0.75
mg/kg and 2 mg/kg, respectively.
inhibits competitively and reversibly the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine
at postsynaptic neuronal sites in the spinal cord and medulla. This results in
unchecked reflux stimulation of motor neurons affecting all the striated
muscles, resulting in
generalized rigidity and tonic-clonic seizures. Because
the extensor muscles are relatively more powerful than the flexor muscles, they
predominate to produce generalized rigidity and tonic-clonic seizures. Death
results from anoxia and exhaustion.
The onset of strychnine poisoning is
fast. Signs normally appear within 10
minutes to two hours after oral administration. Presence of
food in the stomach can delay onset. Early signs, which may often be
overlooked, consist of apprehension, nervousness, tenseness, and stiffness.
Vomiting usually does not occur. Severe tetanic seizures may appear
spontaneously or may be initiated by stimuli such as touch, sound, or a sudden
bright light. An extreme and overpowering extensor rigidity causes the animal
to assume a “sawhorse” stance. The tetanic convulsions may last from a few
seconds to ~1 min. Respiration may stop momentarily. Intermittent periods of
relaxation are seen during convulsions but become less frequent as the clinical
course progresses. During convulsions,
the animal exhibits opisthotonos, the forelimbs are extended, the pupils are
dilated, the eyeballs protrude, and the mucous membrane color is cyanotic. Frequency of the seizures increases, and death eventually occurs from
exhaustion or asphyxiation during seizures. If untreated, the entire syndrome
may last only 1-2 hr. There are no characteristic necropsy lesions. Sometimes,
due to prolonged convulsions before death, agonal hemorrhages of heart and lung
and cyanotic congestion from anoxia may be seen. Animals dying from strychnine
poisoning have rapid rigor mortis.
examination reveals no characteristic lesions. Patients that have prolonged
convulsions before death may exhibit agonal hemorrhages of the heart and lungs
and cyanotic congestion due to anoxia. Death usually results from respiratory
arrest and exhaustion from prolonged seizures.
poisoning can be tentatively diagnosed based on a history of exposure, typical
clinical signs (rapid onset of muscular rigidity, tonic seizures, sawhorse
stance, rapid rigor mortis), and a lack of postmortem lesions. Poisoned animals
may have undigested red or green strychnine-laced seeds or grain such as
peanuts, wheat, milo, or barley in their stomach. Analytical detection of
strychnine alkaloid in the vomitus, stomach content, liver, kidneys, or urine
should be considered diagnostic.
In living animals, the best chance of finding strychnine alkaloid is in
stomach content (in vomitus or through stomach washings) or in urine if samples
are collected within the first several hours of exposure. Urine samples may not
contain detectable amounts of strychnine if they are collected one or two days
after exposure. Samples (stomach content, liver, or kidney) should be sealed in
a plastic bag, frozen, and submitted to a veterinary diagnostic laboratory for
strychnine analysis.
poisoning can be confused with
- and should be ruled out from
- several other types of poisonings such as metaldehyde, chlorinated
hydrocarbon pesticides, zinc phosphide, fluoroacetate, nicotine,
4-aminopyridine, organophosphate pesticides, carbamate pesticides, permethrin
(in cats), and tremorgenic mycotoxins such as penitrem A and roquefortine or human medications (tricyclic antidepressants, 5-fluorouracil,
metronidazole, isoniazid). Acute, massive hepatic necrosis (hepatic
encephalopathy) can also produce clinical signs that resemble those of
strychnine poisoning.
Strychnine poisoning is an
emergency, and treatment should be instituted quickly. Treatment should be
aimed at decontamination, control of seizures, prevention of asphyxiation, and
supportive care.
strychnine is a rapidly acting convulsant, most animals presented to a
veterinarian are already exhibiting clinical signs. Do not attempt
decontamination in animals that are already showing neurologic effects. Control
seizures and stabilize the animal first before decontamination.
Decontamination consists of removal of gastric contents by inducing
emesis or gastric lavage
or enterogastric lavage, and binding of remaining
bait in the GI tract with activated charcoal. If exposure is recent and no
clinical signs are present, emesis should be induced with 3% hydrogen peroxide
(small animals and pigs) at 1-2 mL/kg, PO, maximum 3 tbsp, repeated once after
30 min if no vomiting; apomorphine (dogs only) at 0.03 mg/kg, IV, or 0.04
mg/kg, IM; or xylazine (dogs or cats) at 0.5-1 mg/kg, IV or IM. If emesis
cannot be induced, gastric lavage should be performed with tepid water. Animals
that are already seizuring should be anesthetized first (with pentobarbital)
and an endotracheal tube passed before gastric lavage. Use gravity to instill and to drain the liquid, and
repeat until the lavage fluid becomes clear. Use large bore tubes and multiple
flushes for better results. Enterogastric lavage. Enterogastric lavage,
also called a through and through, begins with gastric lavage followed
by an enema under low pressure and continues until fluids exit through the
gastric tube. Give a preanesthetic dose of atropine (0.02 to 0.04 mg/kg
subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously) before the procedure to
relax the patient's intestinal muscles and allow fluids to flow easily. After emesis or gastric lavage, activated charcoal should be
administered at 2-3 g/kg mixed with
water to make a slurry in small animals and 0.5-1 g/kg in
large animals with a cathartic such as
sorbitol (70% solution at 1 to 2 ml/kg)
or magnesium sulfate at 250 mg/kg, PO.
Seizure control
convulsions are present or imminent, intravenous pentobarbital sodium is the drug
of choice in small animals. It should be given to effect and repeated as often
as necessary. In large animals, chloral hydrate or
xylazine can be used to control seizures. Muscle relaxants such as methocarbamol (100 to 200
mg/kg intravenously; repeat as needed up to a maximum dose of 330 mg/kg/day) or
guaifenesin (5% solution at 110 mg/kg intravenously) can be tried. Diazepam and
xylazine have been used to control strychnine seizures in dogs with variable
success. Propofol (3 to
6 mg/kg intravenously or 0.1 mg/kg/min as an infusion) can also be tried.
Isoflurane inhalation anesthesia can be used if seizures are not controlled
with the preceding treatment measures.
Supportive care
Severely affected dogs should be
intubated and artificial respiration provided. Acidification of urine with
ammonium chloride (100 mg/kg, b.i.d., PO) may be useful for ion-trapping and
urinary excretion of the alkaloid. Fluids (5% mannitol in 0.9% saline) should
be administered to force diuresis and maintain normal kidney function. Monitor and correct the animal's acid-base balance as
needed. Maintain the animal's body temperature within the normal range. In
strychnine-poisoned dogs, hyperthermia can occur as result of severe muscle
fasciculation or seizures. Aggressive cooling, by means of ice baths or cold
water enemas, may result in hypothermia and should be avoided. All cooling
measures should be stopped when rectal temperature reaches 102oF (38.9oC) to prevent rebound
hypothermia. Keep affected
animals in a dark quiet room until they have recovered. Most animals may
require one to three days of treatment.
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