Copper poisoning
Copper is a metallic
mineral that is an essential nutrient required in very minute amounts for all
species of farm animals. Copper is an essential component of the animal system
and play an important physiological role in haematopoiesis, myelin formation,
phospholipids formation. Although it is an
essential nutrient, copper can also be poisonous if ingested in amounts that
exceed the animal’s requirement. There is a tremendous variation in the amount
of copper needed by different species of farm animals. Similarly, there is
tremendous variation in the susceptibility to copper poisoning among the farm
animal species. What makes this problem confusing is that extra copper may need
to be added to the diets of certain livestock species (pigs, poultry) to
optimize health and performance, while the same feed can be lethal to other livestock
species. Sheep are by far the most susceptible farm animal species to copper
poisoning, with goats being less susceptible than sheep and cattle being less
susceptible than either sheep or goats. Pigs are the least susceptible to
copper poisoning, their rations often contain added copper (125-250ppm) in
amounts that, if consumed by sheep, can cause acute copper poisoning. Many
cases of poisoning occur when sheep or goats ingest small amounts of copper
over a prolonged time period. Copper that is ingested is stored in the animal’s
liver, and repeated ingestion of small amounts of copper above the animal’s
requirement may cause accumulation of what eventually becomes a toxic amount of
copper for the animal.
Acute or chronic copper
poisoning is encountered in most parts of the world.
Sheep are affected most often, although other species are
also susceptible.
In various breeds of dogs, especially Bedlington
Terriers, an inherited sensitivity to copper toxicosis similar to Wilson
disease in people has been identified. Chronic copper poisoning has been
reported in other breeds of dogs, including Labrador Retrievers, West Highland
White Terriers, Skye Terriers, Keeshonds, American Cocker Spaniels, and
Doberman Pinschers.
Acute poisoning is usually seen after accidental
administration of excessive amounts of soluble copper salts, which may be
present in anthelmintic drenches, mineral mixes, or improperly formulated
Many factors that alter copper metabolism influence
chronic copper poisoning by enhancing the absorption or retention of copper.
Low levels of molybdenum or sulfate in the diet are important examples.
Sources of poisoning
of copper that can cause copper poisoning in sheep and goats
• Trace mineral-supplemented salt that is formulated
for cattle or horses.
• Vitamin and mineral supplements intended for horses,
cattle, swine, or poultry.
• Complete feeds for swine, horses, poultry, or cattle.
• Pasture that has been fertilized with swine manure.
• Pasture that has been fertilized with poultry litter.
•Copper-containing disinfectant foot baths for cattle.
In addition to the consumption of feeds containing high
concentrations of copper that cause poisoning in sheep, copper poisoning can
occur when liver disease is present. Referred to as secondary copper poisoning,
liver disease causes normally stored copper in the liver to be released into
the blood stream where it causes destruction of the red blood cells (hemolysis).
Certain plants (for example, Senecio species) that contain toxic alkaloids when
eaten by sheep over a period of weeks can cause sufficient liver damage to
precipitate a sudden release of stored copper from the liver to cause copper
Toxicity may occur due to copper sulphate, copper
chloride. Copper salts are mostly used in agriculture as plants fungicidal, so
poisoning of animals can occur by grass pollution from its use in spraying of
Copper sulphate less
threat to birds than to other animals. It is also toxic to fish and other
aquatic invertebrates, such as crab, shrimp and oysters as well as earthworms
in soil. Bees are endangered by strong, water-based compounds, such as a
Bordeaux mixture of copper sulphate, lime and water.
Primary chronic
poisoning is seen most commonly in sheep when excessive amounts of copper
are ingested over a prolonged period.
The toxicosis remains subclinical until the copper that
is stored in the liver is released in massive amounts. Increased liver enzymes
may provide an early warning of the pending crisis. Blood copper concentrations
increase suddenly, causing lipid peroxidation and intravascular hemolysis. The
hemolytic crisis may be precipitated by many factors, including transportation,
handling, weather conditions, pregnancy, lactation, strenuous exercise, or a
deteriorating plane of nutrition.
Phytogenous and hepatogenous factors
influence secondary chronic copper
poisoning. Phytogenous chronic
poisoning is seen after ingestion of plants, such as subterranean clover (Trifolium
subterraneum), that produce a mineral imbalance and result in excessive
copper retention. The plants that are not hepatotoxic contain normal amounts of
copper and low levels of molybdenum. The ingestion of plants such as Heliotropium
europaeum or Senecio spp. for several months may cause hepatogenous
chronic copper poisoning. These plants contain hepatotoxic alkaloids, which
result in retention of excessive copper in the liver. In dogs with liver
diseases such as chronic active hepatitis (CAH), the primary clinical signs may
resemble those of chronic copper poisoning, which can be attributed to the
liver damage and subsequent retention of excessive copper; however, it is not
clear whether CAH causes the accumulation of copper in the liver or is the
result of accumulation.
Acute poisoning may follow intakes
of 20–100 mg of copper/kg in sheep and young calves and of 200–800 mg/kg in
mature cattle. Chronic poisoning of sheep may occur with daily intakes of 3.5
mg of copper/kg when grazing pastures that contain 15–20 ppm (dry matter) of
copper and low levels of molybdenum. Clinical disease may occur in sheep or
camelid species that ingest cattle rations, which normally contain higher
levels of copper, or when their water is supplied via copper plumbing; cattle
and goats are more resistant to copper poisoning than sheep and thus are not
affected in these instances. Species-specific diets with respect to copper
are recommended to minimize the occurrence of chronic copper poisoning. Breed
differences related to the susceptibility to chronic copper poisoning have been
reported in sheep and goats. Young calves or sheep injected with soluble forms
of copper may develop acute clinical signs of toxicity without evidence of a
hemolytic crisis. Copper is used as a feed additive for pigs at 125–250 ppm;
levels >250 ppm are dangerous—although as for sheep, other factors may be
protective, e.g., high levels of protein, zinc, or iron. Chronic copper
toxicosis is more likely to occur with low dietary intake of molybdenum and
sulfur. Reduced formation of copper molybdate or copper sulfide complexes in
tissues impairs the excretion of copper in urine or feces.
oral intake, copper is absorbed from intestine and then enters a carrier state
in the blood. In the blood it is present in the erythrocytes. Liver removes
most of the copper from the blood but other soft tissues also store some
copper. The storages of copper in the liver is variable in different species.
The liver excretes copper in the bile.
Clinical signs
Symptoms of acute copper poisoning
are nausea, vomition, salivation, purgation, violent abdominal pain,
dehydration, tachycardia, shock and collapse, ending in death. Acute copper poisoning causes severe
gastroenteritis characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia,
dehydration, and shock. Haemolysis and haemoglobinuria may develop after 3 days
if the animal survives the GI disturbances.
The sudden onset of clinical signs
in chronic copper poisoning is associated with the hemolytic crisis. The time
of onset is influenced by the concentration of copper in the diet. Signs in
affected animals include depression, lethargy, weakness, recumbency, rumen
stasis, anorexia, thirst, dyspnoea, pale mucous membranes, haemoglobinuria, and
jaundice. Several days or weeks before the hemolytic crisis, liver enzymes,
including ALT and AST, are usually increased. During the hemolytic crisis, methaemoglobinaemia,
haemoglobinaemia, and decreases in PCV and blood glutathione are usually seen.
In camelid species such as alpacas or llamas, no hemolytic crisis is seen,
although extensive liver necrosis remains a consistent manifestation. Morbid
animals often die within 1–2 days. Herd morbidity is often <5%, although
usually >75% of affected animals die. Losses may continue for several months
after the dietary problem has been rectified. Severe hepatic insufficiency is
responsible for early deaths. Animals that survive the acute episode may die of
subsequent renal failure. Photosensitization may occur in association with
chronic copper poisoning, reflecting the hepatotoxicity common to both
syndromes. Cirrhosis of the liver is also associated with the syndrome in dogs.
copper has accumulated to a toxic amount in the liver, the sheep or goat can develop
sudden and severe signs of disease.
signs of copper poisoning in sheep and goats include:
• Weakness, panting, and dull attitude
• Pale mucous membranes
• Yellow discoloration (jaundice) of the mucous
membranes of the eyes, gums and genitalia
• Dark brown or red colored urine
• Abortion in pregnant ewes and does
• Death
Clinical features of
acute poisonings includes salivation, vomiting, watery diarrhoea that is grey-green
in colour and often haemorrhagic, painful, severe colic and gastrointestinal effects.
Neurological effects include convulsions, followed by paralysis, and decubitus.
Death may occur within several hours to several days after ingestion.
In chronic poisonings,
sheep and cattle are most affected species, and copper is hepatotoxic. Clinical
signs are bright yellow mucous membranes, yellow-coloured skin, haematuria, bloody
nasal discharge, anaemia, anorexia, occasional convulsions, edema of the head
and neck (presenting several hours before the onset of jaundice).
Acute copper poisoning produces
severe gastroenteritis with erosions and ulcerations in the abomasum of
ruminants. Icterus develops in animals that survive >24 hr. Tissues
discolored by icterus and methaemoglobin are characteristic of chronic poisoning.
Generalised yellowing of mucous membranes, swollen, gunmetal-colored kidneys that
sometimes are mottled, port-wine-colored urine, friable, yellowish liver (or
small, firm, pale liver), histologically, there is centrilobular hepatic and renal
tubular necrosis, gallbladder distension and thick, greenish bile, enlarged
spleen with a blackberry jam consistency with dark brown-black parenchyma are
manifestations of the hemolytic crisis.
Diagnosis of copper poisoning can
generally be made on the basis of the clinical signs, the observation of
swollen, ‘gunmetal-colored’ kidneys, port-wine-colored urine, and an enlarged
spleen on post mortem examination, and the detection of elevated concentrations
of copper in the blood and liver. Blood copper concentrations above 2 micrograms/ml
and liver copper concentrations above 150ppm (wet weight) are highly suggestive
of copper toxicity.
Evidence of blue-green ingesta and increased faecal
(8,000–10,000 ppm) and kidney (>15 ppm, wet wt) copper levels are considered
significant in acute copper poisoning. In chronic poisoning, blood and liver
copper concentrations are increased during the hemolytic period. Blood
concentrations often rise to 5–20 mcg/mL, as compared with normal levels of ~1
mcg/mL. Liver concentrations >150 ppm (wet wt) are significant in sheep. The
concentration of copper in the tissue must be determined to eliminate other
causes of hemolytic disease. Molybdenum tissue concentrations should be
evaluated to determine whether the syndrome is due to primary or secondary
chronic copper poisoning.
Treatment of copper poisoning is very challenging, and
severely affected animals often die despite treatment.
There is no specific antidote.
Symptomatic care include gastrointestinal demulcents, adsorbents (activated vegetable
charcoal), cardiorespiratory stimulants and treatments to control convulsions (xylazine,
diazepam), if necessary.
Medications are administered to affected animals to
increase the rate of excretion of copper from the liver.
Oxygen administration and other supportive care may be
When it is known that sheep have ingested feeds with
toxic concentrations of copper (i.e. pig rations), feeding ammonium molybdate
and sodium sulfate will help reduce the absorption of copper.
treatment is not successful.
prognosis is poor in all species.
sedatives and symptomatic treatment for shock may be useful in acute toxicity.
1. Rapid removal of poison from the stomach by stomach
2. Giving pencillamine and BAL to combine with copper
and convert it into non-toxic substances.
3. Adding of molybdenum to the animal food to prevent
reserving within the liver.
4. Dietary supplementation with zinc acetate may be
useful to reduced the absorption of copper.
Chronic poisoning In general, death occurs within
a few hours of presentation of these symptoms. Once jaundice is evident,
treatment is unlikely to be effective. Before jaundice, dimercaprol (BAL), 2-4
mg/kg, by intramuscular route, twice in the first 24 hours, then two to four
times in the next 48 hours should be administered. Another treatment includes
EDTA (sodium calcium edentate 25% w/v), 40-50 mg/kg by intravenous route, given
in one to two doses daily for 2-3 days. Ammonium molybdenate (50-500 mg/day per
animal) and sodium thiosulphate (0.3-1 g/day per animal) may be administrated
orally in the diet for 10 to 15 days. Laboratory investigations show
accumulation in liver, kidney, feeds, and hay.
Penicillamine (50 mg/kg/day, PO, for 6 days) or calcium
versenate may be useful if administered in the early stages of disease to enhance
copper excretion.
Vitamin C (500 mg/day/sheep, SC) has been shown to reduce
oxidative damage to RBCs during the hemolytic crisis.
Ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (1.7 mg/kg, IV, every other
day for 6 days) is effective for the treatment and prevention of copper
poisoning. This treatment, which reduces copper absorption and enhances copper
elimination, should be used conservatively. A withdrawal period of ~10 days is
required for this medication.
Daily oral administration of ammonium molybdate (100 mg)
and sodium thiosulfate (1 g) for 3 wk reduces losses in affected lambs.
Dietary supplementation with zinc acetate (250 ppm) may
be useful to reduce the absorption of copper.
Plant eradication or reducing access to plants that cause
phytogenous or hepatogenous copper poisoning is desirable.
Primary chronic or phytogenous poisoning may be prevented
by top-dressing pastures with 1 oz of molybdenum per acre (70 g/hectare) in the
form of molybdenized superphosphate or by molybdenum supplementation or
restriction of copper intake.
High-risk flocks of sheep may be supplemented with sodium
thiosulfate in the diet to prevent or control chronic copper poisoning.
In dogs, genetic testing is available to identify
carriers of the autosomal recessive gene associated with abnormal copper
accumulation, although the mode of inheritance is not known for all susceptible
Periodic liver biopsies, tissue copper determination, and
liver enzyme assessment may also be useful to evaluate disease status.
In addition to previously described treatments, zinc
supplementation and prednisone or prednisolone administration enhance copper
excretion and limit development of liver disease.
Prevention of copper poisoning is simple. Owners of sheep
and goats must remain aware that premixed complete feeds, salts, and
nutritional supplements designed for other species may contain concentrations of
copper that are dangerous to sheep and goats. Because poultry manure (litter)
and swine manure contain potentially dangerous concentrations of copper, sheep
and goats should not be allowed to graze pastures where these have been applied
as fertilizer.
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