Nitrite Poisoning of Livestock
Poisoning of Livestock
Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil
in the form of nitrates, regardless of the form of nitrogen fertilizer
(including manure) applied, which are then converted into proteins and other
nitrogen-containing substances. Apart from high natural availability of soil
nitrogen, various other factors promote high concentrations of nitrate in
plants. These include moisture stress, decreased light (cloudiness, short day
length), and low temperatures. The use of nitrogenous fertilisers, and spraying
plants with hormone-type herbicides (such as 2,4-D) can also cause a build-up
of nitrate levels in plants. Normally plants contain relatively small amounts
of nitrate as such, because the conversions take place fairly rapidly inside
the leaf. However, under certain conditions, the amount of nitrate in the soil
can increase greatly because of lack of leaching, reduced uptake by plants, and
decomposition of organic matter. After the drought breaks nitrate uptake by
plants may be high. While high concentrations of nitrate are not toxic to
plants, animals grazing on such plants may suffer from poisoning.
Many weeds, crop and pasture plants
have been reported as capable of causing nitrate and/or nitrite poisoning.
Capeweed, variegated thistle, lamb's-quarter, Jimson weed, fireweed (Kochia),
smartweed, dock, and Johnson grass are well-known accumulators of nitrate. Many
of the major crop plants have been implicated, including maize, rape, soybean, linseed,
sorghum, millet, wheat, oats, sunflower, sudangrass and barley. Lucerne,
subterranean clover, and Tama ryegrass have also been reported to be capable of
accumulating large amounts of nitrate in their leaves and stems. Vegetables
capable of accumulating large amounts of nitrate that are most frequently
grazed include sugar beets, lettuce, cabbage, potatoes and carrots.
Nitrate, which does not selectively
accumulate in fruits or grain, is found chiefly in the lower stalk with lesser
amounts in the upper stalk and leaves. Nitrate in plants can be converted to
nitrite under the proper conditions of moisture, heat, and microbial activity
after harvesting.
Factors that facilitate uptake of nitrate
by plants include:
• use of nitrogen-containing fertilisers;
• low soil sulfur and molybdenum;
• areas where stock have
congregated and urinated/defaecated (e.g. yards).
Factors which cause nitrate to accumulate
in the plant include:
• drought;
cloudy or cold weather;
• herbicide application – especially phenoxy herbicides such
as 2,4-D;
• wilting.
The amount of nitrate in plant tissues
also depends on:
plant species;
stage of maturity;
• part of the plant.
Nitrate concentrations are usually
higher in young plants and decrease as plants mature. Most of the plant nitrate
is also located in the bottom third of the stalk, hence the leaves contain less
nitrate and the flowers or grain contain little to no nitrate.
Well-aerated soil with a low pH, and
low or deficient amounts of molybdenum, sulfur, or phosphorus in soil tend to
enhance nitrate uptake, whereas soil deficiencies of copper, cobalt, or
manganese tend to have opposing effects.
Anything that stunts growth
increases nitrate accumulation in the lower part of the plant.
Phenoxy acid derivative herbicides
(eg, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T), applied to nitrate-accumulating plants during early
stages, cause increased growth and a high nitrate residual (10%–30%) in
surviving plants, which are lush and eaten with apparent relish even though
previously avoided.
Nitrate, which does not selectively
accumulate in fruits or grain, is found chiefly in the lower stalk with lesser
amounts in the upper stalk and leaves.
ammonia and nitrate fertilizers and soils naturally high in nitrogen tend to increase
nitrate content in forage.
and silage
made from cereal crops, especially those grown under drought conditions and cut
while ‘sappy’, can develop toxic nitrite levels when they heat up. Oaten hay is
particularly risky and becomes poisonous if previously dry hay is dampened by
rain or snow some time before feeding out.
Hays made from nitrate-rich
materials contain almost as much nitrate as when first made, unless some is
converted to nitrite by heating or mould.
Silage contains less nitrate than
its parent crop due to the fermentation process that it undergoes. Forages high
in nitrate can lose 40%–60% of their nitrate content during fermentation.
Nitrates in Water
Nitrates and nitrites are water
soluble. They move with the water. Any nitrate added to, or produced within, the
soil may be leached or washed away by moving water either by surface run-off or
ground water percolation.
Nitrates are more concentrated below
or near the area of waste accumulation or disposal such as manure piles,
feedlots, septic tank disposal fields, cesspools, privies, etc. Excess nitrates also are more apt to be found
in ground water under low areas and waterways that collect or convey.
Water samples from shallow, dug,
bored and driven wells more frequently contain excess nitrates than water from
deeper, drilled wells. Nitrate levels
generally are highest following wet periods and lowest, even down to zero
nitrates, during dry periods which may cause a false sense of security. Preferably, a well should be tested
immediately following a wet period.
Water can contain toxic levels of
nitrates. High-risk sources include:
• water from deep wells fed by soil water from highly fertile
• condensed water from ventilating shafts in piggeries where
there are high ammonia levels in the air;
• fluids draining from silos containing materials rich in
Water contaminated by fertiliser,
animal wastes or decaying organic matter may also be a source of toxic levels
of nitrate. Marginally toxic levels of nitrate in water, combined with
marginally toxic levels of nitrate in feed, can also lead to poisoning.
Nitrate concentrations may be
hazardous in ponds that receive extensive feedlot or fertilizer runoff; these
types of nitrate sources may also contaminate shallow, poorly cased wells. Water with both
high nitrate content and significant coliform contamination has greater
potential to adversely affect health and productivity than does either nitrate
or bacteria alone. Livestock losses have occurred during cold weather due to
the concentrating effect of freezing, which increases nitrate content of
remaining water in stock tanks.
Nitrates and nitrites are used in
pickling and curing brines to preserve meats, and in certain machine oils and
antirust tablets, gunpowder and explosives, and fertilizers. They may also
serve as therapeutic agents for certain noninfectious diseases, e.g., cyanide
poisoning. Nitrate toxicosis can also result from
accidental ingestion of fertilizer or other chemicals.
is considerable variation between species in their susceptibility to nitrite
poisoning. Pigs are the most susceptible, then, in order, cattle, sheep, and
such as horses and pigs, have no mechanism for converting nitrate to nitrite in
their digestive tracts, so they are not susceptible to nitrite poisoning from
excessive intake of nitrates. However, they are highly susceptible to poisoning
from nitrite intake (for instance in mouldy hay) because they cannot convert
the nitrite to ammonia.
ª Sheep
are more efficient at converting nitrite to ammonia, so this may be the reason
why they are less susceptible to nitrite poisoning than cattle.
stock are at far greater risk than animals receiving regular and good fodder.
This is because hungry stock consume more toxic feed, and, in the case of
ruminants, their rumen microbes will not have had time to adapt to converting
the nitrite to ammonia. For example, it takes about twice as much nitrate to kill
a ruminant when the nitrate comes from forages that are eaten over a long
period of time, compared to that which is consumed very quickly.
animals receiving carbohydrate-rich fodders tolerate high nitrate and nitrite
levels better than those that are not. This is because energy from
carbohydrates (grain) helps rumen microbes convert nitrite to ammonia.
that are stressed or in poor health or condition will also be more susceptible
to nitrate/nitrite poisoning.
or acquaintance
intake of small amounts of high-nitrate feed increases the total amount of
nitrate that can be consumed by ruminant animals without adverse effects. This
is because rumen microbes are adapted to deal with the increased nitrate
content of the feed.
Toxicoses occur in unacclimated
domestic animals, most commonly from ingestion of plants that contain excess
nitrate, especially by hungry animals engorging themselves and taking in an
enormous body burden of nitrate.
Confounding interactions with
nonprotein nitrogen, monensin, and other feed components may exacerbate effects
of excessive nitrate content in livestock diets, especially when coupled with
management errors.
Toxicity Variation
Ruminant livestock can tolerate a
wide range of nitrate, depending on several factors. Ruminants are especially vulnerable because
the ruminal flora reduces nitrate to ammonia, with nitrite (~10 times more
toxic than nitrate) as an intermediate product. Nitrate reduction (and nitrite
production) occurs in the cecum of equids but not to the same extent as in
ruminants. Young pigs also have GI microflora capable of reducing nitrate to
nitrite, but mature monogastric animals (except equids) are more resistant to
nitrate toxicosis because this pathway is age-limited.
making nitrate less toxic include:
The animal can become conditioned to
eat larger amounts of feed with high nitrate content if the increase is
Healthy animals are less likely to
be adversely affected than animals in poor health.
Adequate amounts of available
carbohydrates (grain) allow the animal to consume more nitrate because
carbohydrates enhance the conversion process from nitrate to microbial protein.
making nitrate more toxic include:
¨ Rapid
diet changes can trigger nitrate poisoning.
¨ Parasitism
or other conditions causing anemia will increase susceptibility.
¨ Nitrate
in more than one diet component (e.g. water and forage).
Nitrate accumulation in plants is a
potential danger to grazing animals. It can cause two different disorders -
nitrate poisoning and nitrite poisoning.
Nitrates and nitrites are closely linked as
causes of poisoning.
Nitrate is not always toxic to
When feed containing nitrate is
eaten by ruminant animals, nitrate is converted to nitrite, and then to ammonia
and microbial protein, by rumen microbes. Non-ruminant animals are unable to do
this. Although
poisoning from the various forms of nitrate is referred to as “nitrate
poisoning,” the nitrate ion itself is relatively nontoxic. The reduction of
nitrate to nitrite occurs much more rapidly in the rumen than the reduction of
nitrite to ammonia. Consequently, when ruminants consume plants high in
nitrate, some nitrite formed in the rumen enters the bloodstream where it converts
blood hemoglobin to methemoglobin (nitrite ion in contact with
RBCs oxidizes ferrous iron in Hgb to the ferric state, forming stable
methemoglobin incapable of oxygen transport). This greatly reduces the
oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, and the animal suffers from oxygen
starvation of the tissues. Prussic acid also produces death by tissue asphyxiation,
but by an entirely different process.
methemoglobin content of the blood of cattle succumbing to nitrate poisoning
may be as high as 80 percent. Conversion of one-third of the hemoglobin to
methemoglobin produces only slight symptoms; life is still possible when 60 percent
of the hemoglobin has been converted, but death is a certainty when hemoglobin
has fallen to one-third normal levels.
Secondary effects due to vasodilatory action of the
nitrite ion on vascular smooth muscle may occur. The nitrite ion may also alter
metabolic protein enzymes.
Nitrates have a
direct, caustic effect on the lining of the gut if consumed in large quantities.
Signs of poisoning include diarrhoea, salivation and abdominal pain.
Nitrites are
much more toxic. These are formed from nitrates during ruminant digestion and
may also occur if stored plant materials heat up or are attacked by bacteria or
fungi.When high levels of nitrites accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract,
they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Nitrite in the bloodstream changes
haemoglobin (the oxygen- carrying part of blood) to methaemoglobin (which
cannot carry oxygen). If enough methaemoglobin is produced, the animal will
die. Some animals can tolerate up to 50% conversion of their haemoglobin
without ill-effects; however, when more than 80% haemoglobin is converted,
death occurs.
Although usually acute, the effects of nitrite or nitrate
toxicity may be subacute or chronic and are reported to include retarded
growth, lowered milk production, vitamin A deficiency, minor transitory
goitrogenic effects, abortions and fetotoxicity, and increased susceptibility
to infection. Chronic nitrate toxicosis remains a controversial issue and is
not as yet well characterized, but most current evidence does not support
assertions of lowered milk production in dairy cows due to excessive dietary
nitrate exposure alone.
of nitrite poisoning usually appear suddenly because of tissue hypoxia and low
blood pressure as a consequence of vasodilation and symptoms may
not be observed before animals are found dead. Animals being poisoned may stand
apart from the herd, then collapse, or they may fall in their tracks if driven.
Signs of poisoning, in the usual order of appearance, are weakness and unsteady
gait, collapse, shallow and rapid breathing, rapid pulse, coma, and death - the
latter accompanied by the usual terminal muscular reflex movements. Rapid, weak heartbeat with subnormal body
temperature, muscular tremors, weakness, and ataxia are early signs of
toxicosis when methaemoglobinemia reaches 30%–40%. Respiratory
distress is not as obvious as when associated with choking or pneumonia. Brown, cyanotic mucous membranes develop
rapidly as methaemoglobinemia exceeds 50%. The unpigmented parts of the body,
such as the white of the eye, the tongue, and lips, have a blue-brown
discoloration from the onset, as a result of methaemoglobin circulating in the
superficial vessels. Dyspnea,
tachypnea, anxiety, and frequent urination are common. Some monogastric
animals, usually because of excess nitrate exposure from nonplant sources,
exhibit salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gastric hemorrhage.
Affected animals may die suddenly without appearing ill, in terminal anoxic
convulsions within 1 hr, or after a clinical course of 12–24 hr or longer.
Acute lethal toxicoses almost always are due to development of ≥80% methaemoglobinemia.
Blood in which at least 10 percent
of the hemoglobin has been converted to methaemoglobin is chocolate-brown in
color. Fatal methaemoglobin levels range above 70 percent of the total hemoglobin,
so the color of the blood of a dead animal may indicate poisoning. However,
even though plant nitrate poisoning is suspected as a cause of death, be
cautious in accepting the color of the blood of the dead animal as confirmatory
evidence if some time has passed since death. A chemical analysis to determine
the presence of methaemoglobin, nitrate, or nitrite in a blood sample is the
most reliable method of determining nitrate poisoning.
Under certain conditions, adverse
effects may not be apparent until animals have been eating nitrate-containing
forages for days to weeks. Some animals that develop marked dyspnea recover but
then develop interstitial pulmonary emphysema and have continued respiratory
distress; most of these recover fully within 10–14 days. Abortion and
stillbirths may be seen in some cattle 5–14 days after excessive
nitrate/nitrite exposure but likely only in cows that have survived a ≥50%
methemoglobinemia for 6–12 hr or longer. Prolonged exposure to excess nitrate
coupled with cold stress and inadequate nutrition may lead to the alert downer
cow syndrome in pregnant beef cattle; sudden collapse and death can result.
Following an
abnormal exposure to nitrates or nitrites, a cow may abort a fetus that died
because of oxygen starvation. The grazing of plants containing “borderline”
levels of nitrate has also been associated with abortion, reduced milk flow,
lower weight gains, and signs of vitamin A deficiency (Nitrate is thought to
interfere with the conversion of plant carotene to vitamin A).
Signs of poisoning
of nitrate poisoning are:
• diarrhoea and vomiting;
• salivation;
• abdominal pain.
of nitrite poisoning usually appear 6–24 hours after the toxic
material is consumed. These include:
• rapid, noisy and difficult breathing;
• blue/chocolate-colouredmucous membranes;
• rapid pulse;
• salivation, bloat, tremors, staggering;
• dark, chocolate-coloured blood;
• abortions – pregnant females that survive nitrate/nitrite
poisoning may abort due to a lack of oxygen to the foetus; abortions usually
occur 10–14 days after exposure to nitrates;
weakness, coma, terminal convulsions, death.
Post-mortem findings
From nitrate poisoning:
• severe reddening and stripping of the stomach and intestinal
From nitrite poisoning:
• dark red or coffee-brown blood that clots poorly;
• pinpoint haemorrhages in internal organs and on internal
• accumulation of blood in the
stomach wall.
that contains methemoglobin usually has a chocolate-brown color, although dark
red hues may also be seen. There may be pinpoint or larger hemorrhages on
serosal surfaces. Hydroperitoneum and ascites have been reported in stillborn
calves, as well as edema and hemorrhage in the lungs and digestive system of
perinatal calves with excessive maternal nitrate exposure. However, dark brown
discoloration evident in moribund or recently dead animals is not
pathognomonic, and other methemoglobin inducers must be considered. If necropsy
is postponed too long, the brown discoloration may disappear with conversion of
methemoglobin back to Hgb.
tissue changes are evident at autopsy after nitrate poisoning. Some
inflammation of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract may be noted, and
there may be a few small hemorrhages, particularly on the heart.
• observed
clinical signs;
• possible
exposure to toxic plants, feeds or water;
• post-mortem
laboratory tests.
Excess nitrate exposure can be
assessed by laboratory analysis for nitrate in both pre- and postmortem
specimens. High nitrate and nitrite values in postmortem specimens may be an
incidental finding, indicative only of exposure and not toxicity. Plasma is the
preferred premortem specimen, because some plasma protein–bound nitrite could
be lost in the clot if serum was collected. Nitrite present in whole blood also
continues to react with Hgb in vitro, so these specimens must be centrifuged
immediately and plasma separated to prevent erroneous values of both.
Additional postmortem specimens from either toxicoses or abortions include
ocular fluids, fetal pleural or thoracic fluids, fetal stomach contents, and
maternal uterine fluid. All specimens should be frozen in clean plastic or
glass containers before submission, except when whole blood is collected for
methemoglobin analysis. Because the amount of nitrate in rumen contents is not
representative of concentrations in the diet, evaluation of rumen contents is
not indicated.
Bacterial contamination of postmortem specimens,
especially ocular fluid, is likely to cause conversion of nitrate to nitrite at
room temperature or higher; such specimens may have abnormally high nitrite
concentrations with reduced to absent nitrate concentrations. Endogenous biosynthesis of nitrate and nitrite
by macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide or other bacterial products may
also complicate interpretation of analytical findings; this should be
considered as a possible maternal or fetal response to an infection.
analysis alone is not a reliable indicator of excess nitrate or nitrite
exposure except in acute toxicosis, because 50% of methemoglobin present will
be converted back to Hgb in ~2 hr, and alternative forms of nonoxygenated Hgb
that may be formed by reaction with nitrite are not detected by methemoglobin
analysis. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations >20 mcg NO3/mL and >0.5 mcg
NO2/mL, respectively, in maternal and perinatal serum, plasma, ocular fluid,
and other similar biologic fluids are usually indicative of excessive nitrate
or nitrite exposure in most domestic animal species; nitrate concentrations of
up to 40 mcg NO3/mL have been present in the plasma of healthy calves at birth
but are reduced rapidly as normal neonatal renal function eliminates nitrate in
the urine. In acutely poisoned ruminant livestock, nitrate and nitrite
concentrations as high as 300 mcg NO3/mL and 25–50 mcg NO2/mL, respectively,
can be found in plasma or serum, with ~⅓ less in postmortem ocular fluid because of
diffusion equilibrium delay. However, postmortem ocular fluid nitrate
concentrations are relatively stable and remain diagnostically significant for
up to 60 hr after death. Once collected, plasma, serum, and ocular fluid
specimens have stable nitrate concentration for at least 1 mo at –20°C.
expected nitrate and nitrite concentrations in similar diagnostic specimens are
usually <10 mcg NO3/mL and <0.2 mcg NO2/mL, respectively. Nitrate and
nitrite concentrations >10 but <20 mcg NO3/mL and >0.2 but <0.5 mcg
NO2/mL, respectively, are suspect and indicate nitrate or nitrite exposure of
unknown duration, extent, or origin. The possible contribution of endogenous
nitrate or nitrite synthesis by activated macrophages must also be considered.
The biologic half-life of nitrate in beef cattle, sheep, and ponies was
determined to be 7.7, 4.2, and 4.8 hr, respectively, so it will be at
least five biologic half-lives (24–36 hr) before increased nitrate concentrations
from excessive nitrate exposure diminish to normally expected values, allowing
additional time for valid premortem specimen collection.
latent period may exist between excessive maternal dietary nitrate exposure and
equilibrium in perinatal ocular fluids. Aqueous humor is actively secreted into
the anterior chamber at a rate of ~0.1/mL/hr, and nitrate and nitrite are
thought to enter the globe of the eye by this mechanism. Equilibrium
between aqueous and vitreous humor is by passive diffusion rather than by
active secretion, so nitrate or nitrite may be present in comparatively lesser
concentrations in vitreous humor after acute exposure.
tests for nitrate are presumptive and should be confirmed by standard
analytical methods at a qualified laboratory. The diphenylamine blue test (1% in concentrated sulfuric acid) is more
suitable to determine the presence or absence of nitrate in suspected forages.
Nitrate test strips (dipsticks) are effective in determining nitrate values in
water supplies and can be used to evaluate nitrate and nitrite content in
serum, plasma, ocular fluid, and urine.
The diphenylamine test for nitrates can
be used in the field to detect dangerous nitrate levels in forages or rumen
contents. The test reagent is made by dissolving 500 milligrams of
diphenylamine in 20 milliliters of water and carefully adding enough sulfuric
acid to make 100 milliliters. This stock solution should be stored in a
brown bottle.
The steps in conducting a quick nitrate test are:
1. Learn the
environmental conditions conducive to high nitrate content in forages.
2. Obtain a
forage sample that is representative of that eaten by the animal, or a sample
of the rumen contents.
3. Finely crush
the sample in a glass container, such as an ash tray.
4. Add 10 to 20
drops of distilled water and mix well, with crushing action.
5. Add a few
drops of the diphenylamine-sulfuric acid solution.
Formation of a deep blue precipitate within 30 minutes indicates a high
concentration of nitrate in the forage and the need for a more quantitative
diagnoses include poisonings by cyanide, urea, pesticides, toxic
gases (e.g., carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide), chlorates, aniline dyes,
aminophenols, or drugs (e.g., sulfonamides, phenacetin, and acetaminophen), as
well as infectious or noninfectious diseases (e.g., grain overload,
hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, pulmonary adenomatosis, or emphysema) and any
other cause of sudden unexplained deaths.
Urgent veterinary attention is
required to confirm the tentative diagnosis and to treat affected animals. Death
usually occurs so suddenly that treatment is not possible, and few treated
animals recover.
Stock should immediately be removed from suspect material,
and be handled as little and as quietly as possible. Hay or some other low-
nitrate herbage should be fed to dilute the nitrate and/or nitrite in the
Handle poisoned animals quietly, and
animals can be treated by intravenous injections of methylene blue, a powdered
dye material. Methylene blue converts the methaemoglobin back to
oxygen-carrying haemoglobin.
Slow IV injection of 1% methylene
blue in distilled water or isotonic saline should be given at 4–22 mg/kg or
more, depending on severity of exposure. Lower dosages may be repeated in 20–30
min if the initial response is not satisfactory. Lower dosages of methylene
blue can be used in all species, but only ruminants can safely tolerate higher
dosages. If additional exposure or absorption occurs during therapy, retreating
with methylene blue every 6–8 hr should be considered.
Rumen lavage with cold water and
antibiotics may stop the continuing microbial production of nitrite.
Due to the vasodilation effect of nitrate,
vasoconstrictor drugs such as
adrenalin should be administered. In chronic poisoning, vitamin A should be
Feeding rations high in
carbohydrates will reduce and sometimes prevent losses from nitrate poisoning.
Control weeds that accumulate nitrates. Freshly sprayed plants may become more
palatable, so defer grazing of sprayed areas.
During periods of cool or cloudy weather, avoid grazing a suspect area if
possible. During periods of sunlight, allow animals to eat large quantities of
dry forage and then graze the area.
Test the nitrate content of forage when in doubt.
Distinguish nitrate poisoning from prussic acid poisoning or grass tetany, so
the appropriate treatment may be administered.
may adapt to higher nitrate content in feeds, especially when grazing summer
annuals such as sorghum-Sudan hybrids.
Multiple, small feedings help
animals adapt.
Trace mineral supplements and a
balanced diet may help prevent nutritional or metabolic disorders associated
with longterm excess dietary nitrate consumption.
Feeding grain with high-nitrate
forages may reduce nitrite production. However, caution is advised when
combining other feed additives/components, including nonprotein nitrogen,
ionophores (such as monensin) and other growth and performance enhancers, with
high-nitrate diets in ruminants.
Proper management, especially
regarding acclimation, is critical. Forage nitrate concentrations >1%
nitrate dry-weight basis (10,000 ppm NO3) may cause acute toxicoses in
unacclimated animals, and forage nitrate concentrations ≤5,000 ppm NO3
(dry-weight basis) are recommended for pregnant beef cows. However, even forage
concentrations of 1,000 ppm NO3 dry-weight basis have been lethal to hungry
cows engorging themselves in a single feeding within an hour, so the total dose
of nitrate ingested is a deciding factor.
forages may also be harvested and stored as ensilage rather than dried hay or
green chop; this may reduce the nitrate content in forages by up to 50%.
Raising cutter heads of machinery during harvesting operations selectively
leaves the more hazardous stalk bases in the field.
appears to be more hazardous than fresh green chop or pasture with similar
nitrate content. Heating may assist bacterial conversion of nitrate to nitrite;
feeding high-nitrate hay, straw, or fodder that has been damp or wet for
several days, or stockpiled, green-chopped forage should be avoided. Large
round bales with excess nitrate are especially dangerous if stored uncovered
outside; rain or snow can leach and subsequently concentrate most of the total
nitrate present into the lower third of these bales.
transported in improperly cleaned liquid fertilizer tanks may be extremely high
in nitrate. Young, unweaned livestock, especially neonatal pigs, can be more
sensitive to nitrate in water.
risk of poisoning can be reduced by:
• having feeds and forages analysed for
nitrate when in doubt, such as drought-stressed, small- grain forages;
• not grazing stock on forages that are
potentially dangerous;
• observing stock frequently when put on
potentially risky feed;
• feeding hungry stock on dry hay or mature
grass before allowing free access to immature cereal crops or root-crop tops;
• feeding only well-dried cereal hays;
• preventing hungry stock from gorging
recently sprayed weeds;
• preventing hungry stock from gorging
highly fertilised crops;
• not overstocking risky pastures / grazing
crops – overstocking can result in more stalk material being consumed (the
stalk contains the most nitrate in the plant). Avoid strip grazing for the same
• not grazing high-nitrate pastures or
crops for 7 days after periods of rainfall, cloudy days, frosts, or high
temperatures that cause wilting;
grazing stock on high-nitrate pastures or crops during sunny afternoons (when
the temperature is above 15°C) and removing them at night. This reduces the
amount of high-nitrate forage consumed and helps rumen microbes to adapt; preventing
access to high-risk weeds around yards/sheds;
• feeding risky material in small amounts
diluted with safe feed, preferably high-carbohydrate feed such as grain (if
accustomed to grain feeding), and gradually increasing the amount fed – this
applies only to ruminants;
• ensuring that water does not contain high
levels of nitrates;
• not feeding green chop that has heated
after cutting;
never feeding mouldy hay.
option for reducing the risk of nitrate/nitrite poisoning is to harvest and
feed high-nitrate forages as silage. This is because nitrate levels are reduced
by the fermentation process when feed is ensiled. Harvest these feed crops at
least 7 days after rain or cloudy weather, preferably later in the day.
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