Poisoning and deaths
due to poisoning are on the rise over the years, despite advanced knowledge
regarding their pharmacokinetics and pathology, and newer and better techniques
being developed for the management of poisoning cases.
The symptoms of poisoning can vary
greatly depending on the type, length, quantity and age of the person involved.
Poisoning occurs infrequently, but it is
often life-threatening. So treatment of toxicity is very important to save the
life of the animals. It should start as soon as possible because any delay may
cause irreparable damage to the animal. Treatment of poisoning differs from
treatment of other diseases, being all the cases as emergency cases. In
addition to the replacement therapy, supportive therapy or symptomatic therapy,
we have specific antidotes to the poisons. For majority of the poisoning cases
treatment with an antidote is not possible. Instead, prompt medical
intervention to improve the condition of the animal and ensure its survival.
These practices focus on promoting the removal of the poison or neutralizing
it, whilst maintaining the vital functions of the animal.
The outcome of in vivo toxicity
cases is dependent on two variables: The
delivery of the toxicant to the site of action and the activity of the toxicant
at the site of action. The delivery of the chemical to the site of action
depends on the processes of absorption from the site of administration into the
general circulation, and distribution via the blood to the site of action and
body tissues. The toxic response is produced, if the toxicant is present above
its threshold level at its site of action. The concentration present at the
site of action and duration of exposure of a toxicant further depends on the
rate of its elimination from the body.
On the basis of various
toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic parameters, treatment of toxicosis should be
aimed at following points:
- To decrease the absorption and distribution of toxicant.
- To increase the threshold level of toxicity.
- To increase the excretion of toxicant from the body.
- To Decrease the Absorption and Distribution of Toxicant.
By decreasing the absorption of a
toxicant and its distribution in the body, we decrease its concentration in the
body and delay its onset of action. Absorption and distribution of a toxicant
in the body can be altered in following ways:
The general principles of management
of poisoning cases, as we know are:
- Stabilization – which includes assessment and management of a) the airway and breathing, b) circulation and c) Depression of the CNS.
- Evaluation, if the patient is already stable.
- Decontamination – including skin / eye, gut, intestine, etc.
- Poison elimination – dieresis, dialysis, haemoperfusion, etc.
- Antidote administration – As of now, antidotes are available for < 5% poisons.
- Nursing care.
By Influencing the Rate of
Absorption of Toxicant
Non-specific treatment: By using some general or non-specific
agents/measures, we can decrease the absorption of toxicant from its site of
administration or application.
Emesis: Emesis is useful in recently ingested
toxicant in monogastric animals. Emetics are useful in first 2 hours after
ingestion of a toxicant and are of limited importance more than 4 hours after
ingestion. Emetics should be used in noncorrosive poisoning only. These are
contra-indicated for corrosive toxicants (caustics or hydrocarbons), in
unconscious animals or with convulsions, coma or severe respiratory distress or
where animals have ingested some sharp-edged objects. This avoids any secondary
complications due to aspiration.
Locally acting emetics:
Ipecac syrup (10%): 1-2 ml/kg body
weight, orally in dogs; acts in 20-30 minutes.
Hydrogen peroxide (3): 1-5 ml/kg,
orally; Total dose should not exceed 50 ml in dog.
Hypertonic Sodium chloride solution:
10-100 ml, orally.
Copper sulphate solution: 10-60 ml,
orally; It is not recommended as it is an irritant and facilitates the
absorption of poisons.
Centrally acting emetics:
Apomorphine hydrochloride: 0.04
mg/kg, LV. or I.M.; 0.08 mg/kg, S.C. in normal saline; contraindicated in cats
and pigs; prompt effect, thorough, but does have central depressive effect and
the possibility of cardiotoxicity (arrhythmias).
Xylazine: 1.1 mg/kg, I.M. in cats;
acts within 20-30 minutes.
Gastric lavage: It is possible in small animals where
solution is drenched by stomach pipe and is pumped out again by suction pressure.
Administration of lavage fluid must be gentle, preferably by gravity flow, to
avoid potential injury to stomach. Process is repeated 15-25 times or until
fluid is clear. Gastric lavage is useful when emesis is refused,
contraindicated or when collection of gastric material is required. Lavage must
be performed in an unconscious or anaesthetised animal. An endotracheal tube
must be placed to prevent aspiration of stomach contents . Following agents may
be used depending on the condition or type of toxicant.
Tepid water or saline solution: 10
ml/kg body weight.
Potassium permanganate solution (1:2000)
Tincture iodine (1:250 of 5%
Tannic acid solution.
Sodium bicarbonate solution.
In ruminants, a large hose inserted
in the rumen is used to introduce water gently until the abdomen expands
slightly. The stomach tube is then lowered and allowed to discharge as much
fluid as possible. This can be repeated several times. Enterogastric lavage
(also called "through and through enema") is the combination of
gastric lavage and a retrograde high enema given with the gastric tube and endotracheal
tube still in place. Enema fluid is administered gently until fluid from the
gastric tube flows, indicating nearly complete evacuation of the gastrointestinal
tract. As enema fluid reaches the upper intestines, spontaneous vomiting may
Neutralization of the
poison within the GI tract
Adsorption therapy: Adsorption is the physical binding of a
toxicant to an unabsorbable carrier which is eliminated in the faeces.
Activated charcoal (Activated vegetable charcoal/Fine medicinal charcoal/BCK
granules) is the most effective / highly polyvalent adsorbent for a wide
variety of toxicants (especially large non-polar molecules) like alcohols,
antimony, atropine, cocaine, digitalis, phenol, etc. Activated charcoal can be
administered following emesis or gastric lavage, or administered when these
procedures are contraindicated. Activated charcoal can be given at a dose rate
of 2.5 g/kg body weight in a water slurry in which 1 g is suspended in 5 ml of
water. Charcoal is usually administered with a cathartic such as sodium
sulphate (250 mg/kg, orally) or 70% sorbitol (3 ml/kg, orally). This
combination hastens removal of the toxicant-charcoal complex and helps to
prevent constipation that can occur from the charcoal.
Universal antidote (mixture of 2 parts activated charcoal,
one part magnesium oxide and one part tannic acid for adsorption, catharsis and
precipitation, respectively) is considered less efficient in some cases than
activated charcoal alone because different ingredients in it, interfere with
each other action. Egg white, milk and other demulcents also act as adsorbents
but are less effective than charcoal. Other adsorbents : Magnesium oxide
(magnesia); kaolin.
General chemical antidotes:
which form a complex or insoluble precipitate with poisons and neutralize them
in GIT. The effects are often limited and debatable. This category includes:
albumens (proteins ahich are capable of forming insoluble complexes with heavy
metals and which neutralize acids and bases).
(these precipitate heavy metals, alkaloids, etc.).
is commonly believed to act as the best general antidote; in fact, milk
promotes the absorption of liposoluble poisons. A cardinal rule, therefore, is never administer milk.
Decontamination of the skin
or hair: Some substances
(hydrocarbons, acids, alkalis, agrochemicals, etc.) may, as a result of an
accident or a spillage, contaminate the feathers or fur of animals. In general
it is important that in such circumstances the following are under taken:
structures (wings, nails, claws, feathers, fur) should all be cleaned with the
greater care, paying particular attention to areas such as the ears, between
toes, etc. The cleaning should be undertaken quickly to avoid licking and
ingestion of poison, and to limit cutaneous absorption.
soapy water (preferably a soap with a low pH), rinsing with copious tepid
water; repeat as often as necessary.
carefully and thoroughly (e.g. with a hair dryer).
following must never be used: organic solvents (alcohol, white spirit, etc.) or
oily substances which may actually increase percutaneous absorption of the
not rub the area vigorously; cleaning and drying must be gentle but thorough.
washing the animals should wear gloves and other protective garments.
and matted hair may be clipped, if necessary, for complete removal of toxicant
Decontamination of eyes: For toxic ocular exposure, immediate
flushing of eyes is advised. The eyes are gently flushed numerous times (20-30)
with water or saline to enhance the decontamination.
Gastrotomy or rumenotomy: This may be necessary in situations
that are refractory to emesis, lavage or activated charcoal. Foreign bodies,
especially those containing toxic metals such as lead or zinc are indications
for surgical intervention. An abdominal radiograph may be useful in detecting
retained toxic metals. Persistent materials, i.e. toxic oils, tars, etc. also
require surgical evacuation.
Specific treatment: Some agents specifically interact with
or neutralize the toxicant, thus decreasing its absorption. Relatively few
toxicants are neutralized in this way.
Complex formation: Antidote can interact with the toxicant
to form a stable complex or form a product which is not toxic. This complex or
product is then excreted from the body.
nicotine, morphine
By Influencing the
Distribution of Toxicant to the Target Site
Non-specific treatment
Ion-trapping: Ion-trapping can be effective for
acidic or basic compounds by blocking their distribution to target site or by
inhibiting their reabsorption in the gastrointestinal tract or kidney tubules.
Generally, acidic agents (i.e. aspirin, acetaminophen, barbiturates, phenoxy
herbicides) are ionized and excreted more effectively in alkaline urine,
whereas, basic agents (amphetamine and most alkaloids) are ionized more
effectively and readily excreted in acidified urine. Ion-trapping therapy is
most suitable in acid-base imbalance conditions.
Alternate binding site: Distribution can also be affected by
providing an alternate binding site to the toxicant. For example, infusion of
albumin. Albumin provides a binding site for the toxicant which then fails to
interact with the target site.
Specific treatment
Complex formation: Antidotes can complex with the toxicant
making it unavailable to cross the cell membrane or interact with susceptible
receptors. To be effective, the complex must be both inactive and stable until
of action
or monoacetin
Metabolic conversion: Some antidotes enhance metabolic conversion,
i.e. detoxification of the toxicant to a less toxic product. For example,
nitrite interacts with haemoglobin and cyanide to form cyanmethaemoglobin,
which is less toxic than cyanide and decreases cyanide's access to the
cytochrome oxidase system. Thiosulphate provides sulphur, which interacts with
cyanide to form thiocyanate.
To Increase the Threshold
of Toxicity (Additional treatment measures)
These vary widely according to the
symptoms observed, but one of the main preoccupations of the practitioner will
be to support vital functions (respiration and circulation). By using various
agents, the threshold level of toxicity can be increased so that more
concentration of toxicant is required to produce intoxication. This can be
achieved by using specific antidote or appropriate emergency supportive and
symptomatic therapy. Thus more concentration of toxicant is required to produce
a toxic effect.
Non-specific treatment: Appropriate emergency supportive
therapy is often the most valuable part of early treatment for toxicosis. It
provides clinical support to the vital functions of body. Major life threatening
effects of toxicants need to be assessed and appropriate therapy started.
Respiratory depression: In case of respiratory depression or
failure following measures are usually helpful: A patent airway should be
established with a cuffed endotracheal tube to prevent aspiration of vomitus
in a comatose or anaesthetized animal.
ventilation or oxygen should be used if needed for apnoea, anoxia or severe
stimulants, i.e. Nikethamide, Doxapram (1-2 mglkg, I.V.), should be used only
if necessary.
and theophylline: cardiovascular and respiratory stimulants, which also have a
diuretic action.
– a cardiac stimulant; Heptaminol acephyllinate combines Heptaminol and
Cardiac arrhythmias: In case of cardiac arrhythmias,
appropriate antiarrhythmic drugs should be employed.
Shock: Shock may occur due to toxicants
causing excessive fluid loss, vomiting, diarrhoea, blood loss or cadiomyopathy.
Use of plasma volume expander, fluid therapy or whole blood administration may
be followed,
Acid-base disturbance and
electrolyte imbalance:
These should be monitored closely and appropriate fluid and electrolyte therapy
is administered, Metabolic acidosis is the most common toxicant associated
acid-base imbalance. It can initially be treated with either sodium bicarbonate
(0.5-2.0 mEq/kg, every 4 hour by I.V. route) or sodium lactate (0.17 molar
concentration given at 16-32 mg/kg, I.V.).
CNS dysfunctions: Central nervous system stimulation or
depression is a common result of toxicosis. Use of appropriate drugs to
counteract it may be necessary.
CNS seizures: Seizures can be controlled by using
diazepam (0.5 mg/kg, I.V., repeated after 20 minutes for 3-4 times, if
required). Diazepam is the drug of choice for acute seizures of unknown
(6 mg/kg, I.V.) is used if diazepam is ineffective or prolonged seizure
control is needed. Pentobarbitone and other CNS depressants can also be used.
CNS depression: Analeptics such as doxapram (1-2 mg/kg,
I.V.) have been used to treat CNS depression, especially when respiratory
depresion is more severe.
Hypothermia or hyperthermia: Hypothermia or hyperthermia may also
occur during toxicosis. Seizures may be accompanied by hyperthermia, whereas
the anaesthesia used to control seizures can promote hypothermia.
Hyperthermia: Hyperthermia is treated with cold
baths, ice packs or cooled intravenous fluid. Usually antipyretics are of
little help in such conditions.
Hypothermia: It may be prevented through the use of
blankets, warm water bottles and heating pads. Warming surroundings of the
animal is safer than directly applying heat to the body. Anuresis:
To maintain adequate renal flow and to reduce cerebral oedema, osmotic
diuretics like mannitol (1-2 g/kg, I.V.) may be used.
Specific treatment: Use of specific pharmacological antidotes
produce an effect that neutralizes or antagonises the effect of toxicant.
Antidotes are generally administered after exposure to toxicants often in
response to clinical toxicosis. Some antidotes may be toxic, if used in higher
dose or if used for long duration. As many antidotes are specific to toxicants,
so if given in absence of the particular toxicant they may produce their own
adverse effects. So, correct diagnosis is important prior to the use of
antidote. General decontamination and use of supportive therapy often help in
the effectiveness of antidote treatment.
of action
and carbamate insecticides
To Increase the Elimination
of Toxicant from the Body
Elimination of a toxicant from the
body may be increased by using therapeutic agents. It is achieved by increasing
the rate of excretion of the compound from the body via the kidneys or lungs or
other physiological mechanisms.
Non-specific treatment
Catharsis: Catharsis is indicated for removal of
unabsorbed toxicants especially those that have passed into intestine. Mineral
oil or oil based cathartics are not recommended in poisoning as they may
increase the absorption of toxicant. Preferred agents are osmotic saline
purgatives (magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate) and sorbitol. Cathartics may
be used with or without activated charcoal. If used with charcoal, then cathartic
may be given 30 min after administration of activated charcoal. Cathartic is
not recommended if animal has diarrhoea.
use irritant purgatives.
use oil-based purgatives as they facilitate absorption.
sulphate: 250 mg/kg, orally.
(70%): 3 ml/kg, orally.
Dialysis: Haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and
haemoperfusion are possible in sophisticated hospitals. Haemodialysis involves
passage of blood from an artery through dialysis membrane which is then
returned to the body via a vein. In peritoneal dialysis, an essentially
isotonic solution is introduced into the peritoneal cavity and later withdrawn.
Here, the peritoneum itself serves as the dialysis membrane. Haemoperfusion
involves passage through charcoal or some other chambers. These are useful when
patient is in comatose condition, or in situations of renal failure, anuria,
hypotension, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and hepatic failure.
peritoneal dialysis procedure has limited value for the management of some
poisonings and fluid may need frequent change. Dialysis is useful in
intoxication by digitoxin, methanol, lithium, phenobarbitone, etc.
Renal elimination:
Increase glomerular
Diuresis: Institute a forced diuresis. Forced
diuresis with excessive fluid administration may result in complications
including cerebral oedema, pulmonary oedema and disturbance in acid-base or
electrolytes status.
glucose solution, by slow i.v. infusion: Large animals: 2-5 ml/kg per 24 h;
Small animals: 5-20 ml/kg per 24 h.
glucose solution, slow i.v. infusion: Large animals: 0.5-1 ml/kg per 24 h;
Small animals: 1-2 ml/kg per 24 h.
mannitol solution, by i.v. infusion: Large animals: 1-2 ml/kg per 24 h; Small
animals: 2 ml/kg per 24 h.
to promote rapid renal filtration of toxicants may be of limited value. For
this, toxicant must be present at high concentration in an unbound form. Often
a substantial portion of filtered toxicant is reabsorbed by the renal tubules. However,
diuretics may be useful in oedema due to complications of poisoning, i.e. heart
failure, ascites from liver failure, pulmonary oedema, acute renal failure,
etc. Strong diuretics are contraindicated.
small animals - 2-4 mg/kg, twice a day by I.V. or I.M. route; large animals –
0.5-1 mg/kg.
Reduce tubular reabsorption
by modifying urinary pH:
Forced acid dieresis to
eliminate weak bases:
Urinary acidifier Ammonium
chloride: 100 mg/kg body
weight, given in divided doses daily by oral route or 20-40 g to large animals;
2-5 g to small animals. It has been known to cause vomiting. Arginine chloride: i.m. or i.v.; large
animals – 7-10 g; small animals – 0.1-0.2 g/kg.
Ascorbic acid:
i.v.; all species: 40 mg/kg.
Forced alkaline dieresis to
eliminate weak acids:
Urinary alkaliniser
Sodium bicarbonate: 0.5-2.0
mEq/kg, every 4 hours by I.V. route.
1.4% by i.v. infusion; large animals – 2-4
ml/kg 24 h; small animals – by
regular monitoring of the acid-base balance (No. of ml to perfuse = base deficit
(in mmol) x 0.6 x body weight in kg)
Ringer’s lactate, by iv infusion: all species – 5-10
ml/kg per h.
Trometamol: 3.66% solution by iv infusion: dogs:
1-4 ml/kg per 24 h.
a diuretic such as acetazolamide.
Specific treatment: Specific antidotes enhance excretion of
the toxicant or form a complex with it which is less toxic and which is rapidly
excreted from the body.
of action
renal excretion
disodium EDT A
(British anti- Lewisite)
addition to the treatment of poisoning as discussed above, certain management
practices also help in the therapy. When poisoning has occurred or is occurring,
further exposure to the toxicant should be avoided. In case of livestock,
changing pastures or feedlots may prevent further exposure. Shifting of pets
from area of exposure to another site may also be helpful. Changing of feed and
water source prevents further potential ingestion of toxicant. Intoxicated
animal should be kept at a place which is free from excessive noise and other
disturbances. Convulsive seizures usually increase in intensity with external
stimuli. If animal has been fastened with a chain or a rope, its removal is
required otherwise animal may strangulate itself or may get hurt. Vicinity of
intoxicated animal should be free of sharp objects and obstacles. This helps in
decreasing injury to the intoxicated animal.
These are a collection of symptoms
and signs that consistently occur after ingestion of a particular poison /
toxin and drug and can often be identified with a basic history and physical
examination. Various signs and symptoms of the poisons are grouped into
different toxidromes as the rapid identification of the toxidrome saves time in
evaluating and managing a poisoned patient. The various toxidromes are
anticholinergic, cholinergic, sympathomimetic (adrenergic), opioid and
sedative-hypnotic. Each of these toxidromes has specific signs and symptoms and
requires a set pattern of management. Hence even if the poison cannot be
identified, it can be classified into one of the above syndromes based on the signs
and symptoms exhibited and appropriate treatment can be initiated.
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