Properties of an ideal general anaesthetics
Properties of an ideal general anaesthetics
1. It
should give high degree of analgesia, immobility and muscle relaxation at
minimal dosage required to produce loss of consciousness.
2. It
should have rapid onset of action without causing involuntary/voluntary
3. Its
administration should be easy, comfortable and versatile
4. It
should not cause undesirable systemic effects like hypotension, arrhythmia,
respiratory depression and renal damage.
5. It
should have short recovery period with no after effects.
6. It
should be potent.
7. It
should be non-inflammable and non-explosive.
8. It
should have a specific antidote.
9. It
should be compatible with preanaesthetic and other ancillary therapeutics.
10. It
should be non-irritating and free from disagreeable odour
11. It
should be rapidly excreted from body with little or no tissue residue.
12. It
should not react with rubber tubing or soda lime.
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