Pk - Principles
Pharmacokinetic Principles
The process of absorption, distribution, metabolism and
excretion are often quantitated retrospectively so that dosage regimens that
target therapeutic concentrations can be propectively predicted.
The pharmacokinetic characteristics of a particular drug
(rates of absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion) determine
its concentration in the plasma. Because the intensity of the tissue response
is usually determined by the concentration of the drug in the direct environment
of the receptors, a drug’s concentration in plasma is generally assumed to be
correlated with the time course of its action. Dosage regimens are derived from
pharmacokinetic studies in normal animals but often require modification in
diseased, young, old, obese, thin, or pregnant animals. A large number of
pharmacokinetic measures can be determined from time-course studies of drug
concentrations in plasma, but only the more clinically useful features and
values are emphasized below.
Quantitation of Drug Absorption: This includes both a rate
component and an extent component.
Drug concentration in blood - Drug concentrations in the blood can
be determined and graphed against time. In most instances, the time course of a
drug’s concentration in the plasma correlates well with the onset, intensity,
and duration of the pharmacologic effect. Thus, the measurement of sequential
plasma concentration of drugs after their administration is used to establish
dosage regimens that are likely to produce the desired therapeutic levels for
appropriate periods of time, without the risk of drug failure or toxicity.
Concentration Curves After Extravascular Administration: When a drug is administered by an
extravascular route, it usually appears in the plasma within a short time, and
its concentration rises steadily until it peaks. Once absorbed into the
circulation, it is subjected simultaneously to distribution, biotransformation,
and excretion. During the initial period, the rate of absorption and distribution
exceeds the rate of elimination. The peak plasma concentration is reached when
absorption and elimination rates are equal. Thereafter, the elimination rate
exceeds the rate of absorption because less drug remains available at the site
of administration, and plasma drug levels begin to fall.
The term “bioavailability” is used to express the
rate and extent of absorption of a drug from a dosage form as determined by its
concentration-time curve in blood or by its excretion in urine. Bioavailability (F) is a measure of the fraction of
administered dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation in the
unchanged form. Bioavailability of drug injected i.v. is 100% but is frequently
lower after oral ingestion because – 1. the drug may be incompletely absorbed,
2. the absorbed drug may undergo first pass metabolism in intestinal wall /
liver or be excreted in bile. Incomplete bioavailability after s.c. or i.m.
injection is less common, but may occur due to local binding of the drug. Bioavailability for orally administered drugs
are determined by administering equal doses of a drug by the IV (absorption
effectively 100%) and PO routes and then comparing the areas under the 2
curves. Bioavailability is expressed as a percentage. The same principles can
be applied to calculation of the bioavailability of drugs administered by other
Concentration Curves After Intravascular Administration: When a drug is administered by rapid
IV injection, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached almost at once
and immediately begins to fall. The profile of this decline can be determined
by monitoring blood levels at periodic intervals and then plotting these
concentrations against time.
From the single-dose concentration curves (extravascular
and intravascular), a number of pharmacokinetic parameters can be calculated.
These include the transfer rate constants between central and peripheral
compartments; the elimination rate constant ( Kel ) for
disappearance of drug from the central compartment; and the elimination
half-life ( t½ ), which has important clinical significance when
determining dosing interval.
Drug distribution: Just as with drug absorption, the
distribution of drugs in the animal can be quantified interms of rate and
extent of distribution by evaluation of plasma concentrations over time.
of distribution: Plasma concentrations decline very
rapidly shortly after administration of an i.v. dose. The rate of that decline
is dependent upon the ability of the drug to distribute from the blood stream
into extracellular fluids and tissues. The rate of distribution can be
described as half-life of distribution, interpreted as the time it takes for
50% of the drug in the plasma to distribute outside of the blood stream.
of distribution: The Extent of distribution is
described in terms of volumes of hypothetical fluid compartments, with larger
volumes of distribution reflecting more extensive distribution from plasma into
Volume of Distribution - The pharmacokinetic measure used to indicate the pattern of
distribution of a drug in plasma and in the different tissues, as well as the
size of the compartment into which a drug would seem to have distributed in
relation to its concentration in plasma, is known as the apparent volume of
distribution (Vd). It is usually reported as liters (L) or as liters per
kilogram (L/kg) if corrected for the body weight of the animal. The apparent Vd
for a drug is determined by its degree of water or lipid solubility, the extent
of plasma- and tissue-protein binding, and the perfusion of tissues. Drugs that
tend to maintain high concentrations in the plasma because of low lipid
solubility, extensive binding to plasma proteins, and diminished tissue binding
have low Vd. The reverse is true for drugs with high apparent Vd. The value of
Vd is characteristic for a drug and is usually constant over a wide dose range
for a given species of animal. However, a number of clinically significant
factors can influence the Vd. Included among these are age; functional status
of the kidneys, liver, and heart; fluid accumulations; concentration of plasma
proteins; acid-base status; inflammatory processes or necrosis; and any other
causes for alteration in the degree of plasma-protein binding. Vd is used to
determine dose. A dose necessary to achieve desired plasma concentration can be
calculated from the formula D = C × Vd × body wt (in kg), in which D is the
dose and C is the required plasma concentration for a given drug.
Drug Clearance - Once a drug is absorbed and distributed among the
tissues and body fluids, it is then eliminated, or cleared, mainly by the liver
and kidneys. Consequently, the plasma concentration of a drug decreases
steadily, although at different rates for various drugs in different species.
After a single dose, only ~3% of a given dose remains in the body after 5
half-lives because 96.87% has been cleared by this time. Drug clearance (Cl) is
defined as the volume of plasma that would contain the amount of drug excreted
per minute or, alternatively, the volume of plasma that would have to lose all
of the drug that it contains within a unit of time (usually 1 min) to account
for an observed rate of drug elimination. Thus, clearance expresses the rate or
efficiency of drug removal from the plasma but not the amount of drug
eliminated. The concept of drug clearance is of great clinical significance.
Renal clearance is defined as the volume of plasma from which the drug is
completely cleared in unit time. The renal clearance of drugs depends on urine
pH, extent of plasma-protein binding, and renal plasma flow. These factors may
vary from animal to animal as well as among species, because of differences in
diet, environmental temperature, physical activity, disease, and concomitant
use of certain drugs. For drugs that are excreted primarily by glomerular
filtration, the animal’s creatinine clearance may serve as an indicator of drug
clearance because creatinine undergoes complete glomerular filtration while
being subjected to minimal tubular reabsorption. Consequently, creatinine
clearance rate can be used for adjusting dosage schedules of some drugs in
animals with impaired renal function.
Kinetics of elimination:
This provides the basis for, as well as serves to devise rational dosage
regimens and to modify them according to individual needs. There are 3
fundamental pharmacokinetic parameters, viz., bioavailability (F), volume of
distribution (V) and clearance (CL) which must be understood. The first two
have already been considered.
Drug elimination is the sum total of
metabolic inactivation and excretion. Drug is eliminated only from the central
compartment (blood) which is in equilibrium with peripheral compartments
including the site of action. Depending upon the ability of the body to
eliminate a drug, certain fraction of the central compartment may be considered
to be totally ‘cleared’ of that drug in a given period of time to account for
elimination over that period.
Clearance of a drug is the
theoretical volume of plasma from which the drug is completely removed in unit
time. It can be calculated as
CL = Rate of elimination / C, where
C is the plasma concentration.
For majority of drugs the processes
involved in elimination are not saturated over the clinically obtained
concentrations, they follow
First order (Exponential)
kinetics – The rate of elimination is directly proportional to drug
concentration, CL remains constant; or a constant fraction of the drug
present in the body is eliminated in unit time.
Few drugs, however, saturate
eliminating mechanisms and are handled by,
Zero order (Linear) Kinetics
– The rate of elimination remains constant irrespective of drug concentration,
CL decreases with increase in concentration; or a constant amount of the drug is eliminated in unit time, e.g., ethyl alcohol.
The elimination of some drugs
approaches saturation over the therapeutic range, kinetics changes from first
order to zero order at higher doses. As a result plasma concentration increases
disproportionately with increase in dose. E.g., pheytoin, tolbutamide,
theophyline, warfarin.
Plasma half life of a drug is
the time taken for its plasma concentration to be reduced to half of its
original value. Mathematically elimination t ½ is t ½ = ln2/k, where ln2 is the
natural logarithm of 2 (or 0.693) and k is the elimination rate constant of the
drug, i.e., the fraction of the total amount drug in the body which is removed
per unit time.
For example, if 2g of the drug is
present in the body and 0.1g is eliminated every hour, then k = 0.1/2 = 0.05.
It is calculated as k = CL / V. Therefore t ½ = 0.693 x V/CL.
As such, half-life is a derived
parameter from two variables, V and CL both of which may change independently.
It, therefore, is not an exact index of drug elimination. Nevertheless, it is a
simple and useful guide to the sojourn of the drug in the body, i.e., after
1 t ½ - 50% drug is eliminated.
2 t ½ - 75% (50 +25) drug is
3 t ½ - 87.5 (50 +25 +12.5) drug is
4 t ½ - 93.75 (50 + 25 + 12.5 +
6.25) drug is eliminated.
Thus, nearly
complete drug elimination occurs in 4 – 5 half lives.
For drugs eliminated by first order kinetics – t ½ remains constant
because V and CL do not change with dose; Zero order kinetics – t ½ increases
with dose because CL progressively decreases as dose is increased.
Hepatic clearance is defined as the volume of plasma that is totally cleared
of drug in 1 min during passage through the liver. Most drugs, except highly
hydrophilic compounds, are cleared from the plasma mainly by biotransformation
in the liver, although biliary excretion can also contribute to the hepatic
clearance of a drug. The main factors that determine hepatic clearance include
hepatic blood flow (delivery of drug to the liver), uptake of the unbound drug
by the hepatocytes from the blood, metabolic transformation of the drug by
microsomal or other enzyme systems, and rate of biliary secretion.
Some drugs undergo substantial removal from the portal
circulation by the liver after administration PO. This “first-pass” effect can
significantly reduce the amount of parent drug that reaches the systemic
circulation. A number of factors can modify the magnitude of the first-pass
effect for a particular drug. Hepatic clearance can be impaired by liver
disease, biliary stasis, decreased hepatic blood flow, and drugs that inhibit
microsomal enzyme systems. Microsomal enzyme inducers often increase hepatic
clearance of a concurrently administered drug. There is no reliable liver
function test to assess the impediment of hepatic clearance of drugs (as
creatinine clearance does for the kidneys). The dose rates for drugs used in
animals with liver disease must be adjusted on clinical judgment alone.
Steady State
Plasma Concentration (Repeated Administration or Constant IV Infusion): In some cases, the desired
therapeutic effect of a drug is produced with a single dose. However, to
achieve a satisfactory response, it is frequently necessary to maintain drug
concentrations in the therapeutic range for a longer time. Rather than
administering large doses, which could be potentially toxic, repeated safe
doses at regular intervals or continuous IV delivery are generally necessary.
When a
drug is infused IV, the plasma concentration continues to rise until
elimination equals the rate of delivery into the body. Regardless of the drug,
50% of the plateau concentration is attained in 1 half-life of the drug; for 2,
3, and 4 half-lives, 75%, 87.6%, and 93.6% of the plateau concentration are
reached, respectively. For practical purposes, steady state is achieved by 3-5
half-lives. The time required to reach steady state depends only on the drug’s
half-life. The shorter the half-life, the more rapidly steady state is reached.
The size of the dose and the route of administration have little effect.
Consequently, whether a drug is delivered by constant or intermittent IV
injection, by other parenteral routes (provided there is no pharmaceutical
manipulation to delay absorption), or PO, a steady state concentration is
reached after at least 5 half-lives. The magnitude of drug concentrations at
steady state compared with the first dose is determined by the relationship
between dosing interval and the half-life. For drugs with a long half-life
compared with the dosing interval, the drug will markedly accumulate. For drugs
with a short half-life compared with the dosing interval, most of the drug is
eliminated between doses, with little accumulation.
A drug normally requires some time to reach steady state.
When some haste is necessary, plasma levels may be achieved more rapidly by the
administration of a loading dose or doses. This entails the administration of a
single large dose or smaller doses at frequent intervals to bring the
concentration in plasma quickly to the level desired during the steady state.
The loading dose required to achieve the plasma levels present at steady state
can be determined from the fraction of drug eliminated during the dosing
interval and the maintenance dose.
An appropriate dosing interval for most drugs depends on
the distance between the maximum and the minimum target drug concentration
(i.e., therapeutic range). Shorter dosing intervals compared with half-life
increase the risk of drug-induced toxicity because of increased blood levels.
Prolonged dosing intervals diminish the drug’s efficacy because of decreased
blood levels. Often, however, dosing intervals equal to the half-lives are
impractical for drugs with short half-lives. In most cases, either high doses
of a relatively nontoxic drug are given to attain therapeutic concentrations
for a sufficient time period, or potentially harmful drugs are administered by
careful IV infusion. Another approach is to use dosage formulations or devices
that allow for a more gradual release of the active principle into the systemic
principle – When constant dose of a drug is repeated before the expiry 4 t
½ , it would achieve higher peak concentration, because some remnant of the
previous dose will be present in the body. This continues with every dose until
progressively increasing rate of elimination (which increases with increase in
concentration) balances the amount administered over the dose interval.
Subsequently plasma concentration plateaus and fluctuates about an average
steady state level. This is known as plateau principle of the drug
accumulation. Steady state is achieved in 4 –5 half lives unless dose interval
is very much longer than t ½. The amplitude of fluctuations in plasma
concentration at steady state depends on the dose interval relative to t ½
i.e., the difference between the maximum and minimum levels is less if smaller
doses are repeated more frequently (dose rate remaining constant). Dose
intervals are generally a compromise between what amplitude of fluctuations is
clinically tolerated (Loss of efficacy at troughs and side effects at peaks)
and what frequency of dosing is convenient. However,if the dose rate is
changed, a new average Cpss is attained over next 4 –5 half lives. When the
drug is administered orally (absorption takes some time), average Cpss is
approximately 1/3 of the way between the minimal and maximal levels in s
Target level strategy – For drugs whose effects are not easily quantifiable and
safety margin is not big (e.g., anticonvulsants, antidepressants, lithium,
antiarrhythmics, theophylline, some anti microbials, etc.), or those given to
prevent the event, it is best to aim at achieving a certain plasma
concentration which has been defined to be in the therapeutic range; such data
are now available for most drugs of this type.
Drugs with
short t ½ (up to 2–3 hr) administered at conventional intervals (6-12hrs)
achieve the target levels only intermittently and fluctuations in plasma
concentration are marked. For drugs with longer t ½ a dose that is sufficient
to attain the target concentration after single administration, if repeated
will accumulate according to plateu principle and produce toxicity later on. On
other hand, if the dosing is such as to attain target level at steady state,
the therapeutic effect will be delayed by about 4 half lives. Such drugs are
often administered by initial loading and subsequent maintenance doses.
dose – is a single or few quickly repeated doses given in the beginning to
attain target concentration rapidly. It maybe calculated as Loading Dose =
target Cp x V / F. Thus, loading dose is governed only by V and not CL or t
dose – is one that is to be repeated at specified intervals after the
attainment of target Cpss so as to maintain the same by balancing elimination.
The maintenance dose rate is computed by equation dose rate = target Cpss x
CL / F and is governed by CL (or t½) of the drug.
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