drugs are effective in extremely low concentrations and generally elicit very
predictable responses that are dependent upon the concentration of the drug at
the receptor sites. These reactions are usually mediated through the
interaction of the drug with specific macromolecules (receptors) in the target
cell activating or inhibiting 1 or more of the various mechanisms discussed
above. Only the basic tenets of modem receptor theory, as they apply to
clinical pharmacology, are briefly reviewed here to provide a foundation for
the understanding of drug action and reactions.
Nature of Drug Receptor Interactions:
The selective action of a drug depends on its combination with a specific set
of receptors. The receptor sites are almost invariably composed of proteins.
They may be regulatory proteins, enzymes, transport proteins, and even
structural proteins in rare cases. Drug-receptor interactions are usually
reversible and are governed by the Law of Mass Action schematically represented
as follows:
+ Drug ---------> Drug-Receptor complex
binding of drugs to receptors may involve all types of molecular interactions
- Van der Waals forces, hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen, dipole, ionic,
and covalent bonds.
– High energy; cannot be broken; drug-receptor interaction is considered to be
irreversible. Recovery from drug exposure usually depends on the body producing
new receptors.
– Medium energy; occur between opposite charges; can act over a great distance;
reversible; may be involved in attracting the drug to the receptor and lining
it up properly prior to actual docking.
bond - Medium energy; occur when two molecules share a hydrogen
atom. Usually between aminoacids with the H+ being shared between nitrogen (N)
residue on one and an oxygen (O) residue on the other.
der Waals bond – When drug and receptor are in close
proximity a dipole is induced in the non-polar regions that are closest. Each
induced dipole has + and – charges that are attracted to the opposite charges
in the other molecule’s dipole. Very weak, but may be many dipoles that
interact, increasing drug-receptor specificity greatly.
Hydrophobic bond –
Weak bonds between highly fat soluble (hydrophobic) regions of drug and
receptor; these weak bonds are usually involved in very selective drug-receptor
Bond Energy Bond Type
High N=C Covalent
N~O-C Ionic
N-H…O=C Hydrogen
Low C-H H-N Van der walls
receptor proteins, drugs may also become bound in a similar fashion to other
proteins. However, in these cases, no pharmacodynamic response is initiated
("silent receptors"). Examples of such drug acceptors include
plasmaproteins, intracellular proteins, and membrane protein fractions. These
macromolecules represent sites of drug loss or storage.
that are capable of reacting with specific receptors and which then produce a
defined response are said to possess affinity as well as intrinsic activity
and are termed "agonists".
On the other hand, certain drugs are capable of combining with the same
receptor complex, thus possessing affinity, but they lack intrinsic activity
and no response occurs. These agents are termed pharmacological "antagonists". Antagonists may act
in several different ways. It is also possible for some drugs to interact with
the same receptors as a full agonist but the response may be limited and less
than maximal. These agents then possess affinity for the receptor but only
intermediate activity and are termed "partial
agonists". Finally, there are some special drugs that at certain
concentrations act as agonists on 1 type of receptor population but as
antagonists on other subsets of the receptor. These agents are known as "agonist-antagonists". Some of the
drugs produce exactly opposite effect as seen with pure agonists, by acting on
the same receptors and are called as “Inverse
Properties of Agonists:
Several typical properties of receptor agonists require further definition. The
affinity of a ligand (drug or endogenous substance) for a receptor is a measure
of its capacity to bind to the receptor. Affinity may vary greatly between
agonists (as well as antagonists).
Intrinsic activity is
a measure of the ability of the agonist-receptor complex to initiate the
observed biological response. A full agonist has an intrinsic activity value
(α) of 1.
Maximal efficacy
reflects the upper limit of the dose-response relationship without toxic
effects being evident. Agonists differ from each other in this regard.
refers to the range of concentrations over which an agonist produces
increasing responses. Highly potent drugs produce their effects at lower
concentrations and this may impart an advantage to their clinical use, provided
the increase in potency is not accompanied by an increase in toxicity.
Selectivity and specificity:
Few agonists are so specific that they interact only with a single subtype of
receptor. However, several agonists (and antagonists) do show evidence of
selectivity for certain subpopulations of receptors.
Structure-activity relationships (SAR):
The affinity of an agonist (or antagonist) for a receptor as well as the
agonist's intrinsic activity are intimately related to the chemical structure
of the drug. The relationship is usually quite stringent and minor
modifications in the drug molecule can result in significant differences in its
pharmacological properties. Often, congeners of a parent drug molecule are
developed for therapeutic use because of advantages in their therapeutic
effects or reductions in the incidence of toxicity.
Drug-receptor theories:
Whatever its actual nature, the conformational change that occurs when a
receptor is occupied by an agonist is only 1 of several steps necessary for the
expression of a full pharmacological response. The transduction process between
occupancy of receptors and the drug response is called "coupling".
Receptor-effector coupling is influenced by the ionic environment, several
coupling factors, and the receptor itself. A number of theories have been
advanced to explain how agonist-receptor interactions lead to effective receptor-effector
coupling and the specific pharmacological response observed.
1. Occupancy theory:
This is proposed by Clark (1937) after he
studied the quantitative aspects of drug action. This theory is based on the
Law of Mass action i.e. the drug action based on occupation of receptors by
specific drugs and that the pace of a cellular function can be altered by
interaction of these receptors with drugs. This theory postulated
The intensity of response is directly proportional to the fraction of acceptors
occupied by a drug and maximal response occurs when all receptors are occupied.
Drugs exert an "all or none" action on each receptor, i.e. either a
receptor is fully activated or not at all there is no partial activation and
A drug and its receptor have complementary structural features and stand in
rigid "Lock and kev" relationship.
theory gave the fundamental concept but the postulates were later found to be
only partially correct and need to be modified.
2. Rate theory:
This is introduced by W.D.M.Paton at 1961. This suggested that agonist action
depended on the rate of agonist - receptor association and / or dissociation
and this in turn decides the magnitude of drug effects. Paton suggested that
the rate of receptor occupation rises sharply to start with, reaches a peak
and then there is a fall to steady state
or equilibrium or the phenomenon of fade. This theory explains many aspects of
the time-course of drug ejects.
3. Induced fit theory:
This proposes that in the process of agonist - receptor interaction, a
conformational change occurs that generates the active receptor site.
4. Perturbation theory:
This differentiates between specific conformationaI chages indued by agonists
Vs nonspecific perturbations produced by antagonists.
5. Activation - Aggregation theory:
This proposes that receptors exist in dynamic equilibrium between different
functional states and that agonists shift the equilibrium towards the activated
form the receptor.
Properties of Antagonists:
Many receptor antagonists are used therapeutically. However, a number of
different forms of drug antagonism occur that need to be understood because of
direct clinical implications.
Competitive antagonists
combine reversibly with the same receptor site as agonists and progressively
inhibit the response to agonists. Competitive antagonists may even possess
greater affinity for the receptor site than pure agonists. Typically, the
blockade can be overcome by increasing the concentration of the agonist in the biophase.
Noncompetitive antagonists may
act reversibly, or, more commonly, irreversibly. Characteristically, high
concentrations of agonist cannot completely overcome the antagonism and a
maximal response cannot be produced. Several types of noncompetitive antagonism
are recognized. The binding may occur to the same receptor producing blockade.
If covalent bonds are formed, receptor inhibition becomes permanent and the de novo synthesis of receptors is
required for complete reversal of the antagonist's effects. This form of irreversible
noncompetitive antagonism is encountered with some organophosphates and
cholinergic receptors. Binding of noncompetitive antagonists to a different
part of a receptor macromolecule may lead to deformation of the active receptor
site leading to a diminution in the affinity for the usual agonists. This
effect is similar to allosteric inhibition of enzymes. Antagonists may also
bind to an extrareceptor area in a membrane but, because of their molecular
configuration, may obscure the receptor sites for 1 or more agonists. The
phenothiazine neuroleptics appear to be multipotent receptor blockers of this
Physiological or functional antagonists
are, in fact, agonists that elicit physiological responses that directly oppose
those of the first drug administered, by stimulating a different class of
receptors. Examples of physiological antagonism include the reversal of
histamine's effects (histaminergic receptors) by epinephrine (adrenergic
receptors) and the stimulation of intestinal smooth muscle by acetylcholine
(cholinergic receptors) following its inhibition by nor-epinephrine (adrenergic
Properties of Partial Agonists and
Agonist-Antagonists: Partial agonists produce a lower than
maximal response at full receptor occupancy notwithstanding high receptor
affinities in many cases. They will also act as competitive antagonists in the
presence of pure agonists. Nalorphine and pentazocine are partial agonists used
in veterinary medicine. Agonist-antagonists that are used clinically include
the opioid analgesics that possess selective affinity and intrinsic activity
for certain of the opioid receptor types but act as competitive antagonists at
others, thus reducing some of the undesirable features of full opioid agonists.
Butorphanol and nalbuphine are regarded as opioid agonist-antagonists.
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